Movie night with the nerd

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Dabi's pov •^•

I come back from hanging out with my friends and I see the nerd watching a horror movie. I guess he likes horror. I jump onto the sofa and ask

"Hey what movie are you watching idiot?"

"Uh.. _______"

"Cool let me watch too"

The movie shows a stupid jump-scare and I am not even that amused by it but I see Tomura flinch and I think its kind of funny. But its kinda cut- no. Wait. What am I thinking? Im supposed to hate him.

"Uh. Th- the movie ended.. c-can we watch another o-one.?" Tomura murmurs.

"Fine but im choosing!"
I leap to him and grab the remote off of him and I choose _____.

"lets watch this one" I say.

"O-ok." Tomura replies. He always stutters. I stay next to him since it was hot on the other side of the sofa. Tomura put a fan next to the tv. Hes not that useless.

Midway the movie I feel something on my shoulder and I see that its Tomuras head sleeping and he leaned on me. I thought it was funny so I take a selfie with him as hes sleeping and send it to Toga since she was the only person who I think Tomura was fine with. Im still gonna send it to my friends but...



Dabi: we were but im gonna throw him on his bed now. I wanna see his room so like yeah bye.

Toga: send me a pic of his room pls

Dabi: k

Dabi: (picture)

Toga: oh hes rich isnt he.

I set Tomura on his bed and think that hes pretty cut- no. Hes just peaceful. Yeah. Peaceful.

Shigaraki's pov ^^

I wake up and I see that im in bed. Did Dabi invite Toga? Whatever. I get ready and I see Dabi talking to his friends outside our dorm. Im glad Toga was there since it was pretty awkward being alone.


"Oh hi Tomu!! You remember my name!"

"Yeah. Can I ask something?"

"Ofc besite!!!"

"So I fell asleep on the sofa and I woke up in my bed. Do you know what happend?"
She showed me the texts she had with Dabi last night and my face became crimson red. I didnt know if I was blushing or if I was embarrassed.

"You look so cute in that picture!!!"

"O- w-wa-wait.. Did that really happen-?"


*bell ring*

"Oh- see you in class bestie!!"

I wave goodbye and I follow her to class and I sit at the back like per usual... Mid lesson I feel a scrunched up paper hit my head. I open it up and It says "how was your little date with me NERD? .Dabi ;)" I hide my face and I scrunch it back up and put it in my pocket incase the teacher finds it.

"Hmm. Tomura! Can you solve question 7 please?"

I nod and quietly goes to the front of the class. The question was easy and I thankfully manage to answer it. I looked to the front and see a lot of eyes looking surprised.. why?

"Tomura. That was a trick question.. how did you know that?"

"I- my o-older sister t-teaches-me mathematics sometimes.."

that was so dumb! I kept on stuttering MY SISTER DOESNT EVEN TALK TO ME!!! whatever... I silently walk back to my seat and I hide my face behind a book.
(Bell rings)
Oh finally lunch. Im starving.... I missed breakfast since I overslept. I wait for everyone else to go since I was a-bit slow. When I got to the canteen, The dinner lady gives me pizza and chips. I choose a citrus drink and I sit in the far end alone. Well- alone until Dabi and his friends come along..

"Hey idiot. Did you feel comfortable sleeping on my shoulder hmm?"

I try to get up but Dabi's friend make me sit back down.

"Aww trying to go to soon? Shy?" Dabi snickered,
I try to ignore them and I start eating. Dabi then puts his head on my shoulder and he sees my face was completely red!

"What? Its fine when you do it but when I do it you turn red? Are you a bottom?" Dabi chuckled. His friends started making that annoying "Oooo" sound. I felt so uncomfortable. I quickly finish my lunch and put my drink in my back pack. I then go to the school garden since I need some alone time. Ugh. Dabi is kind of annoying. Pretty. But annoying...

809 words... shorter then the first chapter :((( Im so tiredddd... ill try to write more i think. This isnt even gonna get seen by anyone but - ugh. 😭

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