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Dabi's pov:

After the kiss I really wanted to see him again.

He was cute. I cant stop hiding it anymore

I bursted to his room. He wasn't there. I went to the cafe. He wasn't there. I checked everywhere and he wasn't anywhere to be seen. My last spot to check is the very top of the dorm buildings.
My head was spinning and I nearly started tearing up but my only goal is to find him.

Shigaraki's pov:

I remember saying that I wanted to go to the highest floor and draw the sunset over town. It was the perfect time and so I gathered all my stuff and went to the top floor. I was panting since I ran upstairs but there was some cute sofas facing each other and I decide to go sit down and start drawing. I was nearly finished but I hear footsteps coming my way. Nobody was here so I felt kinda scared. I slowly turn my head to see Dabi walking towards me. I turn deep red and before I know it, he is on-top of me. Like how he was yesterday,
"Be mine."


"..... be my boyfriend.... please-?"

I space out trying to comprehend what he just asked me. I snap out of it and I turn my head and nod slowly. Please don't be a prank....

I feel weight on my chest and look down to see Dabi was sleeping on-top of me. I take my phone out. Take a selfie, and send it to Toga.

Payback. Cutie :)

IM DONEEEEE OHH YEAHHHH :):):(/(/(:/):)/))/:(5/?3 It was such a good ending lol ya epic gamer mode.

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