The hurt leader

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(Swear warning, slightly gore warning also takes place after seek lost his arm bit before Colin became a zombie)

No one's P.O.V

There was silence other then the occasional growl of a zombie from outside as Austin crept through the mall as quickly yet quietly as possible trying his hardest not to alert the mutant freak only a couple feet away, he would have never done anything this risky normally but Justin had a fever of 102 due to a infected cut luckily not with the virus but it could still kill him if gone untreated and they needed more medical supplies due to them running low and this being the closest and with the mutant in it this was his only chance to get the medical supplies without any chance of them being gone, the misfit leader had realized the last time they were here that the giant freak had very poor vision and hunted off smell and hearing and he was extremely grateful for that streak of luck due to the fact of the mutant only being about fifty feet away at this point, the short raven haired male kept his eyes forward as he reached the medical room which lucky was untouched, quietly unzipping his duffle bag he filled it as much as he could with medication and med kits hitting another lucky break he was able to grab everything in the room he quickly turned to leave, creeping out of the room and slowly making his way to the entrance he froze as he heard glass crunch under his boots he slowly raised his head and stared at the mutant who was staring at him, he held his breath as it sniffed the air praying to any God that would listen that it would not smell him but he quickly realized the gods weren't listening when the massive zombie charged him, Austin yelped and tried to run but a large arm came in contact with his stomach and he was thrown backwards into a shelf there was a loud snap and a muffled cry of pain as the shelf and part of the wall collapsed in on him Austin put his face down trying to steady his breathing and trying to figure out what broke he raised his head and came face to face with the mutant who was sniffing around the rubble to find him, he held his breath tears pricking his eyes as he silently begged for it to not smell him, the mutant had froze and kept sniffing at the spot he was at before it continued looking around the rubble before giving up and wandering off the leader was left laying there staring at the zombie as it wandered off trying to figure out how it didn't smell him before he realized that he was covered in rubble and dust from it his human smell was covered by the smell of concrete, he sighed in relief at the realization before he slowly pulled himself from under the large piece of rubble over him, he sat up and froze gripping his chest as his breath hitched now processing the pain in his chest and how much it hurt to breathe he decided that his ribs could wait but was quickly distracted by the fact of something kept running down his face and obscuring his vision, lifting his hand to his head he wiped it away wincing at the slight pain on his head he brought his hand back down and glared at the blood on his hand 'well' he thought 'that makes everything a little bit harder' Austin reached down picking up his panda hat and tuckinging it into his bag before he pulled his face mask down to hopefully make it a little easier to breathe, which barely worked, the raven haired man forced himself into a standing position biting the inside of his mouth to not make any noise Austin quickly pulled himself over the rubble that was on him and into the cool night time air he took a deep breath quickly doubling over in pain at his mistake, forcing himself to stand again he limped his way over to seekah's borrowed go-kart and dragged himself into the seat catching his breath and leaning forward to drive he inserted the key into the ignition and turned it, the noise causing a loud growl of rage from inside the mall Austin decided to get out of there as quick as possible, quickly turning the wheel he drove away as fast as possible as to not let the large zombie follow him.

(Hey Lemme know if yall want a follow up to this one, I had a fun time writing it and brainstorming what would happen in this chapter)

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