As the bite sinks in

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(Warning, angst, gore, technical character death (not permanent)

Xylo held his left arm, staring at the zombie bite on his forearm, it was dark red, bruising and gushing blood, Xylo's breathing was raggedy as he held back sobs, the brunette would have gone to Ritchie to beg him to turn him into a half zombie, but he couldn't find him anywhere, he was going to see if he was at doc's but he hadn't made it, the pain had spread from his arm to the rest of his body well he searched, at first it was a dull ache but now it was a throbbing pain, he no longer wanted to move, it hurt too much, he had leaned himself against one of the small hangers with a handful of planes in it, Xylo moved his palm to the back of his forearm and ran his thumb over the bite, smearing some of the blood away from it, tears pricked the brunette eyes, Xylo lifted his head as he heard footsteps, suddenly a voice called out "Hello?" Xylo took a second before he realized who it was, it was Nick, fear slowly crept into him as he remembered how the sniper reacted to finding out Ritchie was a zombie, even though he understood Nick's reaction to Ritchie since the detective had tried to eat someone Nick cared about but it still scared him, Xylo pulled his hand to his chest, squeezing his wrist as he did to try to calm his nerves, pressing the bite to the front of his suit so it was hidden, Nick turned the corner around the hanger pistol in hand "oh, it's just you, what happened to you?" Nick stated, lowering his gun and putting it back in its holster, Xylo hesitated before responding "I, uh" Xylo stopped, clearing his throat before continuing "I got attacked by a zombie that got into the safe haven" he finished, Nick had an unsure look on his face as he scanned his eyes over Xylo, the brunette shrunk in on himself, Nick's eyes finally landed on the actors arm "Xylo" Nick said slowly, Xylo winced at the tone, knowing what was going to be said next "Xylo, show me your arm, now" Nick's tone was harsh and no nonsense though there was a softness behind it, Xylo put his head down, staring at the ground before he pulled his arm away from his chest, lowering it so that the sniper could see it, there was a hiss of sympathy from the other man, Xylo heard steps approaching him as Nick came towards him, Nick crouched down in front of the other before he took the brunettes wrist into his hand, quietly studying the bite "have you talked to Doc? Or the freaker?" the dual colored ravenette questioned, still staring at the wound, Xylo shook his head before realizing that Nick couldn't see his head "no, I couldn't make it to Doc's office and I couldn't find Ritchie" Nick glanced up at Xylo "what do you mean you couldn't make it?" he asked the brunette, Xylo shifted nervously "I, uh, it hurts to move, like a lot, I think the infection spread to the rest of me" Xylo said quietly, Nick nodded before standing and offering the shorter man his hand, Xylo excepted the offer, with his good hand of course, hissing as he stood, practically collapsing onto Nick once he made it onto his feet, Nick took Xylos right arm and put it over his shoulders to support his weight "you okay?" he asked the actor, the man in question grit his teeth to avoid shouting in pain "as okay as I can be" he hissed out, Nick shifted Xylos arm so the brunette would be more comfortable "yep, sorry, didn't think about that, come on" Nick apologized before starting to walk to the Doc's office, Xylo hissed and growled in pain the whole time, once they reached the office, going around the back he opened the door and dragged Xylo in, it was smarter to go down first so he could get to the main floor if they weren't down there, relief flooded through the two of them as he saw Ritchie sitting on the exam table and Doc in the back area looking at blood through a microscope, most likely Ritchie's, the half Zombie in question looked up from his phone as he heard them enter, a loud gasp came from the detective who quickly rushed over to them, going to put Xylos other arm over his shoulder to help Nick with Xylo, he froze as he saw the bite "holy shit" he whispered "What is it?" the doc called over, having heard Ritchie gasp, Ritchie looked up at Xylo's face and then at Nick, obviously wanting a explanation due to the fact that Xylo wasn't meant to leave the safe haven today, Xylo gave Ritchie a nervous look "a zombie had gotten into the haven and I tried to deal with it but I think it was freshly turned cause it was much stronger than normal" Doc hearing this looked up and over to the other three men in the room "how long ago did it happen?" he asked, eyeing the bite wound, everyone looked back at Xylo who shrunk in on himself "I think like... an hour ago, maybe?" he said nervously, Doc went back to his microscope "it's way too late to cut off the arm, he already dead" he said nonchalantly, though there was a hint of sadness in his tine, a look of shock crossed Nicks face, a look of horror of Richie's and one of fear on Xylos, Ritchie nodded his head towards the stairs to the main office and Nick nodded his own in agreement "Doc we'll be upstairs if you need to run more tests" the Doc hummed in acknowledgement, Richie put the hurt arm over his shoulder though he did recoil in surprise when the brunette practically growled in pain, not minding the blood staining his jacket, the two unharmed men helped pull Xylo upstairs, once they reached the main floor they set him in a chair in the waiting room, Nick sat down next to him with a nervous look on his face, Ritchie hesitated before speaking "so, Xylo, you know that the only way... to..." he trailed off a look of guilt crossing his face, Xylo sighed and nodded, he looked at his arm, his hands were shaking "I know, the only way for me to survive this is for you to... turn me into a half zombie like you" Ritchie crossed his arms, staring at the wound on Xylos forearm, it wasn't bleeding nearly as much as it probably was earlier, it was bright read and covered in bruises, horrible blues and purples stained his skin, Ritchie looked up at his friend "are you sure, Xy?" the brunette nodded and offered the detective his harmed arm, Ritchie crouched down and carefully took it in his own hand, taking his free hand Ritchie dug his nails into his own forearm, allowing his blood to sink into his nails, covering the top of them and getting under them, reaching forward he dug his infected nails into the skin near the bite mark, Xylo hissed in pain turning his head towards Nick, Nick took Xylo's free hand and squeezed it gently, after a few moments Ritchie removed his nails, gently wiping his thumb over the blood leaking out of the nail marks, a deep look of guilt covering his face, Xylo opened his eyes and looked over to his friend, giving him a soft smile before speaking "so, now what?" he asked quietly, Ritchie Stared at the wounds on the actors arm with a troubled look on his face "I don't know, I guess just go sleep, wait to see what happens" Ritchie said nervously, Xylo nodded, Ritchie stood up and took a few steps back "I would take you back to your plane but I need to stay here so Doc can run some experiments" Xylo sighed and nodded again, he tried to stand up but hissed and fell back down, Nick stood and offered him a hand, Xylo took it again, allowing Nick to put the brunettes arm back over back over his shoulder, Xylo hissed in pain as he was pulled up "make sure he gets back home okay, alright?" Nick nodded and went to take Xylo back to his plane, once they made it there, he practically threw Xylo up onto the plane wing, he got a shout of pain in response, Nick winced and climbed up after him, Xylo had curled in on himself, Nick whispered an apology to the brunette before pulling him onto his feet, carefully dragging him into his plane, carefully laying Xylo down on his bed and covering him with a blanket, Xylo cracked his eyes open and gave him a soft smile "thank you for helping me, even though I'm gonna be a "freaker" soon" Nick winced again before giving his friend a smile "no problem, try to get some rest" before he stood and walked from the plane, Xylo yawned and turned so his back was to the door, curling up and passing out from exhaustion, glad that Nick hadn't murdered him for being infected

(Once again don't know how to end this, hope y'all enjoyed)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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