Don't Keep The Devil Waiting

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My voice started to contort on itself, cackling loudly as you took your little legs and ran for the hills, not even bothering to lock the door.

You ran and ran, but you knew that it was no use.

Your time had come, Ni-Ki.

And you couldn't keep it waiting, could you?

D O N' T K E E P T H E D E V I L W A I T I N G, M Y D E A R F R I E N D.

Looking back, you'd keep meeting eyes with my, cold running blood ones. Ones that dripped black, red, sticky ink, revealing all my imperfections and my true identity.

A monster that had the urge to kill another hideous monster.

You'd run deeper and deeper into the forest, running faster and faster, disappearing completely from my sight.

Now all I could see, was red darkness and unlooked temptation.

I promised not to drink anyone's blood after sucking the life out of Minji, hoping that I could survive a little longer, just one more day.

But I couldn't, even the most resistant falls into the desire.

My running turned into walking and my walking turned into stopping, as the shivering coldness took over my body. All I could do was just slowly fall into exhaustion, as my eyes opened and closed.

I...I was so close, yet so far...wasn't I?

Was this ever a war I could win in? Was the game stacked against me in the first place?

Day 7 | 니키 [EN-]Where stories live. Discover now