Prologue: A Friend's Plea

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Inside the palace, a restless Dimitri paces back and forth. His retainer, Dedue, stood in silence in front of the door. After a few minutes, Dimitri decided to break the silence with a shout.

"I am the King, Dedue!" He yelled, "How long will you keep me imprisoned in my own castle!?"

"My lord, this is not like Aileil," the stoic guardian of the throne replied, "If we are defeated here, then there will be no hope of a successful retreat, and you will die. We must ensure your escape route is close and unimpeded"

"I would sooner die with my people than watch them from safety! Let me through!"

"I cannot my lord, if Fhirdiad falls, but you live, then the Kingdom survives and we may one day return here as liberators." Dedue explained, "But should you die here, then both the Capital and the King are lost and with them, all of the Kingdom."

"So you would have me hide away like a mouse, then run away like a coward!?"

"If need be my lord. No matter what, you must survive."

Dimitri walked over to a window overlooking the city. Staring off into nothing, he spoke without turning. "It is simply unacceptable, Dedue." He stated, "Whether I die next year, in ten years, or in fifty years. Should I run from this fight, I will never be able to face Ingrid or Sylvain ever again. When I die, I wish to embrace my friends, not fall to my knees in shame."

He turned to Dedue, at last looking him dead in the eye.

"I'm not demanding as your king, I'm asking as your friend, let me fight."

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