The story

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Skylar, Lucy, and Valerie walk up to Abby sitting on a rock.

"Hey... Are you okay? What's wrong Abby? You can tell us." Lucy says kindly.

"I'm fine. It's just I thought Andrew finally liked me after all these years. But I guess not. He's always liked Kelly better than me. " Abby says.

"All these years? You've known him for a while?" Valerie asks.

"Yeah, we were like best buds in 4th grade, when he moved to my school. But then Kelly came. And then Andrew and I never talked after. " Abby explains.

"Oh, so the other day when he stopped Mr. Lito from yelling at us. You knew who he was?" Valerie says.

"Yeah..." Abby answers. "In 6th grade we really hated each other for some reason. And then we went to two different Middle Schools so I haven't seen him for two years till now. I've always liked him, but I never thought he would like me back. And tonight proves I'm right." Abby says.

"Aww, Abby. We are here for you." Lucy says. Valerie and Skylar agree.

"Thanks guys." Abby says starting to smile.

"Well, I don't feel like going back to the dance." Valerie says honestly.

"Me either." Lucy says.

"You guys want to take a walk around the pond?" Skylar asks.

"I'm up for it." Lucy says.

"Me too" Valerie answers.

"How about you Abby, you want to come?" Skylar asks.

"I guess a little walk wouldn't hurt." Abby says standing up.

"Okay, let's go this way." Skylar says pointing.

The girls follow Skylar and begin to walk.

As they are walking, Skylar suddenly falls into a deep hole.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" Skylar screams while falling down the hole.

"SKYLAR!" Abby yells.

Abby then jumps into the hole.

"We got to help them" Lucy says jumping into the whole.

"Here I come!" Valerie says, then jumps into the hole.

The girls then are standing in a hole.

"Well, how do we get out of here?" Skylar asks.

"I don't know there has to be a way out somewhere." Abby says.

Skylar, Lucy, Valerie, and Abby all stare at each other in silence.

"Well, this is going to be fun." Lucy says.

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