(Written to nothing left to say by imagine dragons )
Dear, passionate creativity
The leaves that currently float inside my head and erode my inner peace are like lines from a unwhispered curse.
I let the snow flakes fall as they cover my dark paved mind. Walls lined with colored paint and chalk now being buried .
It's quite here now, no more music , no more laughter ,no more bright ideas...the day you left everything went with you. I'm not sure what to do but watch.
The snow is like a sweet deceitful blanket and I don't know what to do about that....and if you remember me at all you'll know I hate not knowing what to do. So, this is it. I'm doing my best to close the large door that promised to take me away to another world. The one where all my best stories , poems and songs were created and were all my happiest memories will live.
I hope one day when you return to me and I get this place in order you'll want to stay and I can unleash my creative soul.

Writings from the soul
Poesiehello my name is Xander and these are my original poems/ short writings. I write what's real to me, what's my reality and what is raw but also some are just burst of inspiration and I write as they come to me and will keep them organized. feel fre...