Preface: You and Me..

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"Did you call and check to see if they received your application?" I ask Eddie, who still seems nervous about applying at a record studio half way across the states. "Gareth said he would call them later today and then would call me tonight to update me." He says, running his hand through his hair. 

"Babe, look at me." I say, grabbing his arms and moving his body to face me. "Sloane, I just-" I take my finger and place it on his lips cutting him off. "Hush, and listen to me, okay?" He nods in defeat. I smile at him and kneel down in front of him. "I know you guys are going to nail the audition. The tape you sent in, I personally listened to it and it was amazing. And before you say I'm biased cause I'm you're girlfriend, that's not true. I would be brutally honest if I thought it needed work because I don't lie to you. And you know that. They're going to take you guys. I just know it. And I'll be your first number one fan." I place a soft kiss on his knuckles and look back up into his eyes.

"Thank you Sloane. I don't know what I would do without you. I'd probably go bat shit insane if I'm being honest." He says, laughing to himself. "You already are, but that's okay because I love you for it." I say, giving him a wink.

One Week Later*******************************

It's been two days since Eddie and his band was told they were going to California. They have been planning and packing and getting everything ready for the big move, I haven't seen much of him except at dinner and bed time. He hasn't asked me to go with him yet, but I haven't thought too much of it since he's just now received the news of the big move and has had to get everything in order first. I figured once he gets everything straightened out, he'll ask me in a cute way like Eddie does and of course I'll accept and follow him out there.

I've already been looking at apartments online. Studio apartments seem like the best option since I'll have to get a job while he's doing gigs to keep myself busy and to also pull my weight. Of course, Eddie would say "you don't need to work" but I'm not someone who likes to be supported. I want to work and earn money and help out in any way I can. I'll also attend every show I can to show that I'm the best supportive girlfriend in the entire world.

I am so unbelievably proud of Eddie and how far he has come these past 4 years. He's went from a drug dealer to full on professional band member and that alone blows my mind. He used to tell me that he thought his life would never amount to anything until he met me. Little does he know I felt the exact same way until I met him.

I've never had anyone. In and out of foster homes until I turned 17 and moved out and bought my own trailer. I've worked the same job since at the local hardware store which I can't wait to quit. My boss, Joe is a total dickhead who hits on me daily, telling me "let me know when you and that long hair dude breaks up so I can properly take you out" always making my stomach turn. I truthfully cannot wait to move away from here.

I've been writing music here recently and working on singing. Eddie doesn't know it but I can sing pretty well. I've never told him because I never wanted to take his spotlight away. I love watching him glow in what he loves doing, so I've always kept my talents hidden. He does know I can write music, and has even asked me to write his band a few songs but I always refused, saying that I didn't really have the time between working and watching him play. That wasn't true, I just didn't feel comfortable taking that away from him.

One night before the move********************

Eddie still hasn't asked me to go with him. In fact, he's been acting a little weird towards me. He came home last night, later than usual, took a shower and went straight to bed, without saying two words to me. I'm very worried something bad is about to happen.

This morning, before Eddie woke up, I decided to get up and make breakfast. When I went into the kitchen, I saw the plane tickets sitting on the counter. I thought maybe this was his way of surprising me and opened the envelope to feel my heart break inside of my chest. One ticket for Edward Munson lie inside the envelope. No ticket for me.

Did he not want me to go? Just then, I hear him clear his throat and I turn to see him standing behind me, staring at the papers in my hand. "Sloane, we should probably talk." He says, staring at the ground. I can feel my heart break with each word that comes out of his mouth.

He really doesn't want me to go with him. He's leaving me too....

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