one, pretty

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euijoo sighed, scrolling through his phone as he waited for his boyfriend.

they were supposed meet in a cafe at 7:00 but the clock hit the half an hour mark, so it kinda made euijoo upset. it's okay, he's a busy idol.

yes, a busy idol. nicholas being the most trendy idol in the kpop industry right now, he began his solo career back in june of 2020 and gained many fans from the beginning but his love life began in 2018 of june, truly one of the best years of his life nicholas admits, just because that was the year he had met euijoo.

their love story was totally unexpected, because nicholas had assumed that his 'before' friend, euijoo would never feel that way for boys, but it was a surprise to know when euijoo confessed his feelings, but that was two years back, 2020 of september. nicholas was already a rookie idol but that didn't stop him from getting the title he longed for, euijoos boyfriend.

"he should've been here by now," euijoo sighed, trying so hard not to get disappointed, but he was just starting to get used to getting stood up.

"i'll just head home," he mumbled, bringing out his phone as he was just about to message nicholas but he suddenly heard the sounds of panting as the door opened.

euijoo eyed the guy, a man wearing a bucket hat and a black mask, holding a bag and wearing a black bombers jacket, drenched in the rain from a gloomy day.

"he's here." euijoo smiled, he was once again happy.

"i'm sorry babe, i'm late," nicholas said as he wiped his wet jacket, and then grabbed something from his bag. "i didn't know which flowers you wanted, so i got all of them,"

euijoos heart raced, seeing nicholas take out a bouquet of flowers. So adorable.

the younger smiled, and ran towards nicholas and gave him the most warmest and biggest hug he could ever pull off. the warmth of each other's presence made both of the boys have this giddy feeling that they both cherished the most.

nicholas let out a chuckle and pulling euijoo closer. "baby, let's order something and go to my place," the older said and euijoo nodded his head.

They ordered tea, and just sat still, even though nicholas had his face covered, he noticed how his eyes sparkled whenever their eyes met, making euijoo flustered.

even though they had been dating for almost 2 years, people might mistake them at first glance for being a new couple because of the amount of skin ship and lovely moments they share in public.

but that was the thing they worried about the most, them being so loving in public could get nicholas and euijoo in a bad situation, where nicholas would possibly get kicked out of his company for being in a gay relationship and euijoo getting attacked by the fans who love nicholas to death.

euijoo slipped his hands under the palm of nicholas, and smiled as they made eye contact. it was a moment where they wished they could freely do whatever they wanted without creating a big scene.

"i love you, euijoo." nicholas eyed his lover, intertwining their hands as his eyes filled with emotions of love.

"i love you more, nicholas." the younger says, tightening his grip as he never wanted to let go.

but that soon would have to go to an end when they heard someone call the idols name, it wasn't really filled with excitement like a fan, but more casually and calm.

they immediately backed away from each other and looked at the figure who now stood in front of the table they sat in. "nicholas! wow long time no see," a females voice said as she waved her hand.

long brown hair, a pinkish coat, a mask to cover her identity and a white cap to hide her beautiful features. kim yuri, a famous idol known for her scandals, that was basically how she became famous.

she and nicholas had been caught in a dating scandal twice, but would always come out to be false. it wasn't like nicholas liked her or anything, it's just that their companies are total rivals, so they would have to naturally become enemies themselves but nicholas knew that yuri might have some feelings for him despite them being rivals.

"yuri, hey! what are you doing here?" nicholas questioned, this cafe was not really known to a lot of people and had a small business, but that never stopped the couple from coming there once in awhile.

"just checking out places!" she says in a higher tone, and glanced at the boy who sat in front of nicholas. she tilted her head and bowed down. "he doesn't have the looks to be an idol so this must be your manager?" yuri pulled down her masked and smiled beautifully.

euijoo and nicholas eyed each other, and let out an awkward laugh. euijoo shouldn't have felt hurt hearing that because he knew he didn't have the best looks, but a girl so beautiful bringing him down in front of his boyfriend made him feel humiliated.

"uh no, actually he's a very close friend of mines." nicholas scratched his neck nervously, and yuri let out a sound indicating she understood. "but i think he is one of the best looking people on earth, what you said there was kind of rude." nicholas said, his face growing cold as yuri immediately noticed it.

"ah oh my gosh!! i'm so sorry, i swear i was just joking, you can take a joke right?" yuri said as she pout and put her index finger on her lips.

"oh of course! i don't mind it at all." euijoo chucked his hand up and gave the girl a thumbs up, "totally." he mumbled to himself as he stared out the window.

"yuri, euijoo and i better get going so it was nice seeing you here." nicholas said as he stood up, grabbing euijoos hand and dashing out the door to avoid speaking to yuri even more.

they both walked the alley, the sky darkened and the rain had already stopped. they both were tempted on holding each other's hand but people were still wondering around the area.

"so let's head to my home and watch some tv," nicholas looked at the boy who just looked straight ahead, a noticeable slight of discomfort on his face.

"okay." that's all euijoo said in a low tone, usually he would be hyped so nicholas immediately knew what was wrong.

"babe, i hope you know that you're one of the most beautiful human on earth, i swear i could stare at you all day and fall for you even more," nicholas slipped his hands into euijoos and the younger felt that warmth he craved.

"actually right now, looking at you.. i just want to kiss you so bad" nicholas grinned and they both stopped, under a lamp post where they got to see their faces. "it's insane, you're so god damn pretty." he continued and then the world stopped as the space between them disappeared, and their lips pressed against each other.

euijoo backed away and smiled as he stared into his lovers eyes, causing the older to smile as well. "let's go now, i wanna cuddle!" euijoo blushed.

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