two, message

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"why can't you stay the night?" nicholas frowned, eyes sadden seeing his lover getting ready to leave.

"babe, you know that i can't do that, grandma will get worried," euijoo smiled softly at the boy who stood there with a slumped back and was leaning his shoulder on the wall, being sulky.

usually nicholas would have such a intimidating character, his aura was insanely scary but euijoo changed that and proved that a bad boy like nicholas could have soft spots.

"yeah.. you're right, but i don't like seeing you leave me like this," nicholas lowered his eyes and let out quiet sigh, he knew there was nothing the older could do.

"next time, we will live together and have a family, and maybe with a ring wrapped around your finger," euijoo said with a playful smirk, as nicholas eyed the boy with excitement, hearing those words come from his lover made his heart burst.

being with euijoo is like a dream come true.

"ej! that was supposed to be my line!" nicholas chuckled and grabbed the boy into a hug, loving the feeling of his boyfriends warmth.

"i'll be the one to propose, just wait for me okay?" nicholas whispered in the boys ear, the younger shivered, getting the tingly feeling he knew he would have forever, i'll never get used to it.

their body's parted away and they both smiled. "i better go now, grandma is probably worried," euijoo said as he slipped his shoes on and opened the door, glancing at nicholas one more time before leaving.

the youngers eyes still shimmered even tho he wasn't around nicholas anymore, the thought of the latter roamed his mind 24/7, it was nearly impossible to not think about the older boy for euijoo, he believed they were truly in love.

euijoos body melted on the comfortable bed as soon as he crashed down and tiredness swept through his entire body, being out was tiring for him but he just always manage to get himself out of bed every day.

as he was just about to drift to sleep, he heard the sound in knocking on his door, his head immediately looked up and he was greeted with the bright smile of his grandma. "euijoo dear! you're back, i was starting to think you got lost out in the streets!" she giggled as she sat down on the bed of euijoos.

"grandma, im not a kid anymore, im 20 and know my ways of seoul," the boy sat up and his grandma softly smiled. "my grandchild is growing too much, oh it felt like yesterday when i held a little boy in my arms!" she smiled, standing back up as she left the room.

euijoo smiled, his grandma was his whole world, he'd grown up with no clue on who his parents were, his grandma had said they just left him and ran off but euijoo just didn't want to believe it. his heart was just so soft that he couldn't hate his own biological parents even though they had abandoned him.

time past quickly, and he had just gotten out of the shower after he forced himself to stay awake, it was about 11PM and suddenly his phone let out a ding! He had received a message, he quickly went on his bed and opened his phone, expecting nicholas to message but realization struck him.

His heart sank as hundreds of messages roamed his phone, constantly sending each second, the messages that he wished he never received.

Leave him alone. Nicholas deserves better. You're no better than yuri. Jump off a building. And all sort of insults.

Tears quickly streamed down his cheeks and he swore his heart stopped for a moment because of how bad his heart was racing from anger, sadness, loneliness, hatred. All type of negative emotions covered his precious heart.

euijoo cried and cried, as he deactivated his instagram, the messages coming as he clicked to deactivate, fans from every country flooded his account within minutes. He was a sobbing mess at this point and suddenly he heard a crash, a rock had been thrown into his room, he looked out and there he saw a few girls in masks yelling out slurs.

He quickly dialed Nicholas' number, in a sobbing state as he heard the man of his dreams answer.

"Euijoo are you okay! Sweetheart, it'll be okay." The soothing words coming out of the lover boy. "It'll be alright my love, I've sent manager nam to your place, he'll pick you and grandma up.." he reassured.

"Nicho..." he cried out silently, his heart hurt. How could this ever happen.. they were so secretive, how could anyone know about their love.

"Im sorry love.." Nicholas muttered softly, before ending the call

He scanned through instagram on a private account, an account where he would freely post pictures of the two lovers, the memories of every moment, captured in this account with only one following.

looking through all pictures one by one, his heart aching as he covered his mouth and tears.

And that's when he seen an article.

Nicholas from &team dating a non-idol male, pictures have been posted by an anonymous source who claims to know the couple, it has been said that the two males have been in a long term relationship. Here are what knets have to say: [koreaboo-link]

Euijoos eyes widen, the comments of the fans of Nicholas roamed of hate, disapproval and disappointment.

That's when his phone dinged, coming from his beloved saying that the manager was out and to sneak out from the back. Euijoo sighed, packing up and leaving along with his confused grandma.

With his heart still aching. He cried on the way to his destination. Hoping that Nicholas was doing okay, he wished he could just stop time and hug his lover for hours, wishing none of this ever happened in the first place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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