𝟒𝟎 || 𝐈𝐟 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧?

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"Well, does anyone want to talk?"

My father's powerful and deep voice echoed in the whole room, making my body shiver with fear as his bodyguards are staring at us, waiting for my father's signal and ready to do whatever he orders them.

As I said before, my father is not a man to be played with. He ruined a lot of people's lives, and he'd happily ruin Aiden's and Kayla life's too with a blink of his eye.

"Dad, can we talk about this in private?" I asked, feeling my voice weak under the pressure of my father's cold gaze.

"In private?" he repeated my words, titling his head "So now that you lied to me and betrayed my trust, you want to talk in private?"

"It's not her fault dad. I'm the one who brought them here" Blake tried to protect me, but I could see fear in his eyes as well.

While at the same time, neither Aiden's face nor body showed some signals that he was afraid of my father. He's standing next to me with his head held high, his jaw clenched, and staring at my father with an equally cold gaze. It's like looking at two alpha males trying to not eat one another alive.

It's pretty brave from Aiden, considering that my father could kill him right now without reconsideration.

My father shifted his gaze to Aiden, ignoring Blake's words, and any person even from miles away could see the malice in his eyes.

But Aiden is not stepping back. He's staring at him with the same cold look.

"I want you two to leave my property" he pointed at Kayla and Aiden and then looked at me and Blake "And you are going home with me and I don't want any more misunderstandings like this happening again"


How could he be so heartless?

My father stood up from the couch, calmly adjusting the collar of his jacket, which pissed me off even more.

That's it. I'm done.

"No" I replied sharply, causing him and his bodyguards to look at me as well.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise "No?"

I could feel my brother and Kayla's eyes on me. They probably think I'm crazy. I think that too.

"I'm tired of this, dad. I'm tired of trying to be the perfect daughter in your eyes" I said in a whisper, standing next to Aiden. His closeness is enough to make me feel calmer and more protected even under my father's demanding gaze.

My father stared at us but said nothing. I could see that his bodyguards are ready to do whatever my father tells them as long as they got a signal.

I can see their fucking guns.

But my father did nothing.

"I've always had to pretend to be someone I'm not, just to make you happy, and you don't even think about what you're doing to us, your blood with your Hippocratic actions" I felt tears falling on my face and I don't know if they are from fear or all the adrenalin taking over my body.

My father can be anything but not a monster. Well, at least not when we talk about his family.

His eyes softened when he saw me crying and shaking in front of him.

Mom always tells me that I'm his biggest weakness. Since I was little, he protect me, like a porcelain doll, not letting anyone get close to me, but somewhere in between all these attempts and efforts to protect me and make me perfect, he got lost like a father.

𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐜𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲 (𝟏𝟖+)Where stories live. Discover now