Part 2: Faces of Demons.

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I watched the two of them sleeping oh so peacefully. Those two monsters who had made my life a living hell growing up. I hated them just as much as they hated me. But they couldn't control me anymore. No, not anymore.

Look at them. DISGUSTING. I was always nothing to them. They gratefully pushed me completely out of their lives... especially when I needed them most. When I moved away... they told me they wished I was never born. They told me I was a failure. They told me I would never make anything of myself.

Oh, if only they could see me now. What would they say then? Jeff didn't make me this way. No... THEY did! They were the cause for my pent up anger and hatred and depression. My childhood was ruined... destroyed... shattered. All because of THEM. At least I wasn't a drunk like him or a helpless house maid like her.

I used to wish they never had me. I tried to kill myself before, and they just turned their backs. They always turned their backs. But now... I was glad I was still alive...

...Now I could take away what they took from me... and I wouldn't feel anything.

I angrily clenched the pair of scissors in my hands as I stared at my sleeping parents. They didn't even deserve to be called such a thing. They were not parents. They were curses. Until I moved away, my life was controlled by them. They held my every move and decision in their hands.

But oh, how the tables had turned!

The engraved smile in my face that had recently healed and turned to a nasty scar stretched with pleasure. Oh what I could do to them... What I WOULD do to them...

My mind raced. There wasn't enough time in this world to accomplish all the hell I wanted to put them through. I wanted them to suffer as much as they made me suffer throughout my first eighteen years of living.

I felt two arms wrap securely around my waist, and a pair of cold lips pressed softly against my neck. I closed my eyes, smiling.

"End it."

I opened my eyes. That whisper... that beautiful voice in my ear... it made my smile lengthen. I turned around and kissed Jeff softly. "Will you help me?" I whispered in return.

Jeff grinned evilly. That smile still gave me chills... just like it did the first day we met. "Of course I will." He pressed his lips against my forehead, spinning the large knife playfully in between his fingers. He pulled away from me and ushered for me to lead the way first. I turned to watch my sleeping victims as a million thoughts flooded my mind.

I had watched him murder hundreds of people over the past year, each tactic different from the previous. He was so skilled... and the way he killed people was almost beautiful... artistic, even. Every move he made was flawless. Perfect. Uniform. Impeccable.

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