Ending Reborn.

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I stared out across the enormous farm land. The night was clear, and the moon glistened off of the small pond outside the front of the old one story house. I sat down in the soft grass as I waited. It felt as if hours had passed, but I knew it had only been thirty minutes at the most.

I lied back in the grass in the middle of the field and stared up at the stars. The sky was so clear and beautiful, and I attempted to count the shining dots in the darkness. But those faint, distant screams coming from the farm house broke my concentration. My counting ceased, and I smiled... simply closing my eyes. It was music to my ears.

Soft fur brushed up against my outstretched arm, and I tilted my head to look at Grinny, who sat beside me staring out across the field. I reached up to pet him, and I could feel his body buzzing as he purred contently. The large diamond ring on my left hand sparkled perfectly in the dim moonlight, and it made me smile... remembering that specific night the stolen ring was acquired.

I couldn't believe it had already been over eighteen years. Thinking back over everything I had gone through... I wondered how the hell I survived and how the hell everyone came to love me again. It was weird... everyone instantly accepted me the day I turned into a demon. Laughing Jack included. In fact, the rumor around the mansion was he was actually fearful of me seeking revenge on him for what he did to me. And although a small part of me wanted to rip out his black and white heart, I couldn't help but thank him. Without killing me, who knows where I would have ended up.

And then there was Masky. He recovered after about a month... almost right after I had woken up from my comatose-like state eighteen years ago. He and I don't speak much... but we're acquaintances. I'll never forgive myself for what I did to him, but every now and then he'll go out of his way to do something sweet for me just to prove that he's forgiven me.

Jane and I are not friends anymore. We do not speak, and if we pass each other, she glares terribly at me. There is another rumor going around that she still plans on killing Jeff... but this time she is going to kill me alongside him. Why she hasn't attempted it yet, I'll never know. A part of me believes she doesn't want to because she remembers how good of friends we used to be. Whenever I see her, I smile... but she ignores me. I miss what we used to be, but there's nothing I can do to change the way she feels about us... about Jeff. She has a new best friend now... Alice. Which I think is hilarious, but it doesn't bother me much.

And then there was Slenderman. I apologized to him for everything I caused, and for how I treated him when Masky got hurt. He forgave me, and our relationship has grown tremendously. He even calls me his daughter. He takes care of me, and he protects me when Jeff is unable to, even though my demonic strength is unimaginable.

I met Masky's arch enemy, Hoody. I caught him going through Masky's room and stealing his pills. That little bastard was so sneaky and such a trouble maker, but ever since I stabbed him with my scissors, I haven't seen him mess with Masky. Whenever I see him around the mansion, he runs in the opposite direction. It always makes me laugh.

Ben follows me around like a little puppy now. He and I are best friends. We do practically everything together, and we're always helping to look after Sally when Slenderman leaves to go on his own trips. Ben eventually taught me how to fight with a sword and a shield. He said that it was mandatory I learn, just in case. So in exchange for making me learn how to fight, he occasionally lets me doll him up and put makeup on him. He says the only reason why he lets me is because he feels bad, considering I don't have any female friends to hang out with. And every day, he makes sure to remind me of the night I left him in the kitchen to find Jeff. He jokes with me and tells me that that day caused him to have permanent trust issues.

Alice is still a bitch, and I hate her more and more with every passing day. But she doesn't try to mess with Jeff or I anymore... especially because I am ten times stronger than her. In fact, she's admitted to several others that she's intimidated by me, which I think is hilarious. But the best part was finding out about her new best friend... Jane. Go figure.

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