Chapter 3: he touched my bum!

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When we arrived at the shopping centre my mom passed me £35 and told me to get clothes with that, then she gave me a £10 note and told me to get food with that! I was pretty happy because she doesn't usually give me this much money!

"Um... Rachel? There's one more thing..."

"What mom?"

"I'm not coming you can go on your own and I will come and pick you up later!"

"Mom! Really? I don't want to go on my own!"

"Well you are! Get out My car?" She giggled as she said this but I didn't find her funny at all.

"Okay then!" I got out the car and she sped off and laughed at me! What a bitch! Why would she l ace her one and only daughter on her own at the shopping centre?

I walked towards primary ,because I might as well have a look! I walked in and it wasn't that packed it was kinda empty for once, but I suppose it is a Sunday so not many people go shopping.

I picked a couple of nice tops and jeans and leggings to try on in the changing room. I walked toward the changing room and noticed that 3 boys were hanging around bye the entrance, one with curly brown hair and a really nice smile one with blonde hair with browny bits in it and he had the cutest Irish accent ever!! The other one looked like he was modelling for top shop or something his face was so stern and he had really nice brown hair.

I walked bye them and the one with curly hair GRABBED MY BUM! I could feel my checks burning up I knew I was going red but I pretended I couldn't feel it. He pulled me aside and asked me for my number I told him to get lost! He leaned in and tried to kiss me his hands were on my bum AGAIN and I just pushed him away and walked away towards a changing room.

He watched me as I left, I felt so awkward but excited at the same time...

I opened the curtain and put my clothes on the bench I closed the curtain and started to get undressed.
I hear a noise coming from outside my curtain... Next thing I know the curly haired boy was in my changing room!!

"Excuse me?" I asked rudely

"Hey my names Harry and I was just... You have a perfect figure!"

"Um... Thanks but get out, Harry!?"

"I'd rather not actually!"

He leaned in to give me a kiss AGAIN

"Harry not know okay?"

"Okay, wanna hang out sometime?"

"Yeah sure ,but wanna get out sometime?"

Harry left and I have never been so shocked in my life I realised he was the most popular boy in the school trying to kiss me!! Wtf was actually happening!

I walked out of my changing room and took all the clothes to go and pay. Harry came over and took them all off me and ran towards the tills...




He laughed and ran towards the till and everyone let him push in! He paid and ran toward me with the bag!

"Here you go!" He smiled proudly!

"Thanks but why did you do that?"

"You're cute! And I like you! see the way I've tried to kiss you? Most girls would've kissed back! But you? Your different, and I like that."


"Awh thanks"

"My numbers inside the bag, you should call call me sometime, get to know me? I mean if you want too?"he went red in the face and done this extremely cut smile!

"Yes I will!"

He smiled, "well I've got to go know..."

I hugged him and all I could smell was after shave and it smelt really good!

I rang my mom to come and pick me up and I couldn't stop thinking about Harry!! HE TOUCHED MY BUM FFS!!!!!!!!

Okay sorry guys if that chapter sucked ass but I'm working on it! But if you enjoyed it that's good but should be uploading chapter 4 tomorrow or the next day.... But anyway love yas all!! 😛❤️❤️

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