Lucys jelousy

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Lucy's POV:
"That stupid lizard slayer why the hell would he run off with that water fairy of all girls!?" I was furious with natsu for leaving with juvia.

I really don't know why I was upset, all I know is that I was very angry with him for leaving me.

Doesn't he know that I like him? Do I not make it obvious!? I try to show him but he's too dumb to notice I guess. I was questioning myself on my walk home.

I could feel my cheeks burning. Weather it was from anger or embarrassment I didn't know.

That stupid jerk is so dense he wouldn't know the first thing about romance!

*time skip early the next day*

I walked in the guild hall, it was quiet almost creepy feeling. I looked around and saw Mira standing in her usual place behind the bar.

"Hello Mira!" I said as I walked up to the bar.

"Hello Lucy how are you this morning?" She said smiling

"Well, not good actually."'I'm sure she could hear the desperation in my voice.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

"Y-yes please"

"Ok then let's talk"

I told her about everything from me liking natsu all the way to what happened with juvia after she stormed out yesterday.

"T-then they walked into the woods alone together!" Her facial expression changed slowly from happiness to anger the more she found out.

Just as I finished talking, as though fate had meant for his beating. Natsu walked into the guild hall.

"NATSU DRAGNEEL!" Mira screeched from behi-nope from across the room. She had already jumped the counter and began beating him senseless.

I walked home carrying tears one my hands. "

What kind of jerk is he to go and mess with a water Mage?!"

"I mean he's fire doesn't he hate water?!"

"I just can't believe he'd do this to me."

I walked inside my house and went to sleep.

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