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“sorry who..?”

“suan? it's me, yangyang!”

“sorry i dont know you..and why are you holding my hands?” the girl frowned.

“also why do you keep calling me suan? i'm rui, qian rui”

yangyang widened his eyes and immediately retreat his hands.

“wait what? then where is suan?”

knock knock

“oh yangyang what are you doing here in my sister's room?” kun asked.

“your sister room? wait this isn't suan's room?”

“oh doyoung's sister? the doctors just changed her to a bigger room this morning, taeyong asked to do so. it's room 119”

yangyang bowed to both rui and kun then headed to the door, “sorry to disturb y'all, especially you, rui”

“it's fine” the girl smiled.

“oh and yangyang, suan just woke up from what i–”

without hearing kun's words, he rushed to room 119 using the stairs as he thought it would be faster.

“KIM SUAN!” he panted as he burst in.



yangyang ran to suan's side as he checked on her condition.

“fuck you're alive..fuckity fuck i love you” he said as he cried while holding the girl in his arms.

“you know you don't have to swear that much right” suan chuckles.

“fuck it's just..i love you so much”

the girl smiled and ran a hand through his hair, “i love you too”.


“taeyong and doyoung will hold an anniversary party next week, will you come?” yangyang asked.

“they're my brothers, why would i not?” she laughed.

“but the theme is cartoon characters..”

“what the fu–”

days past, and the party has begun.

“dude i miss you!”

“ew who the fuck stepped on my shoes!”

“oh hello there..rapunzel?”

“hendery is that you”

“where is the chipotle? I WANT THE CHIPOTLE ”


“it's so hot in here”


“what the fuck is happening..” suan asked as she looked around the area.

it was..a chaos. with yangyang's friends dressing up as disney princesses, donghyuck trying to find the chipotle sauce, renjun cursing at shotaro who stepped on his shoes.


“oh my hello fiona” yangyang, with his shrek costume on, greeted suan with two wine glasses in his hands.

“a wine for our lovely princess” he bowed dramatically and passed the wine to the girl.

“thank you, peasant” she chuckles and took a sip of her wine.

yangyang took a seat beside her and stared at her lovingly. “you look pretty tonight, as if an angel just fell from heaven”

“sorry but have you seen yourself? you look like shrek. and i love shrek”

“is this your way of confessing to me again cuz holy shit that works”

they laughed and continued to sip their wine and talked.

“you know, i never knew our journey will be this far. like, with all the things that happened” she sighed but then smiled afterwards.

“i know right? definitely the best journey i had so far, and there'll be more journey after this. with only us two, living together”

“wait what do you mean, living together?”

all of sudden, the light dim out and the spotlight goes on them. the crowd became quiet and looked at the two love birds.

yangyang put his wine on the table beside him and knelt down.

suan didn't expect this at all.

liu yangyang, the guy he knew for less than a year, now is kneeling in front of her holding a box.

“kim suan, will you marry me?”

it was tense. the cold air hanging in the air. doyoung sipping on his drink quietly while chanting “please please please”.


“i..liu yangyang can you stand up?” she looked down. yangyang looked at her confused.



“i will”

“AAAAAAAAAAAA SHE SAID YESS” doyoung shouted as he hugged taeyong tightly.

“NOW KISS” changmin, who came from nowhere, yelled and soon the crowd cheered.

yangyang smiled widely and cupped her cheeks while suan draped her arms around his neck.

“i love you”

“i love you too”

and they finally connect their lips together, embracing each other while sharing passionate moments.




hellooo everyone!!
first of all tysm for reading DIY HOTLINE even though it took a very long time for me to update :((
tysm bcs y'all are very patient with this book, srsly ily guys. after Rain ended, i wrote three new book and one of them is this.
also you might have read my other new ((not)) published book which is under hiatus rn, I'll try to finish them before the end of the year ((hope so)).

anyways, srsly im very thankful and ily guys for reading this shitty book. changmin made a cameo again i see ;)

and to my bestest supporter, deoboyzzz .


yangyang and suan signing out–

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