Chapter I

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I can't tell you just how long I've been staring through this window. I just want a glimpse of the outside. A breath of true fresh air. My room window has the perfect view of the castle walls, and I despise it. I was told by my Mother and Father that the walls were a symbol of our strength, but all I see is a great wall of separation. It separates those with power from those who cannot afford a life like ours. I'm not calling said people poor, except I am calling my blood line incredibly rich. I'm the Prince after all, so I'm surrounded by money, gold and all other sorts of expensive items.

I want to escape. Most people would think that my life is the most wonderful thing ever, for I could have 'everything I ever wish for'. But no. I don't have everything I want. I'd even go as far as to say that I don't have anything I want. I want freedom. I want to be able to choose whom I am to love and eventually, marry.

My parents, the King and Queen, have already begun to bring in women for me to choose from. But I'm never interested. I want a love story where I bump into someone and part ways but meet again because of fate. We meet up again and again, becoming friends and getting to know each other extremely well; become the best of friends, never separated. Then, we would gradually like each other more and more, before one of us finally confesses. Okay, maybe I read a bit too much from the Romance from the library, but that doesn't mean I can have some fantasies.

But none of that will happen, because I don't live out there where I could wonder freely. I don't even have a say in my own love life here. My parents don't even know that females don't please me. Yes.. my interests lie in that direction. I figured it out when I started gaining more interest in how the men in my stories are, and how attractive some if the Brother's of the Princesses are. But I'm the only child of the royal family. The only current decedent that can continue the family and produce a new heir. My parents want me to marry a female, but I know that I can produce an heir another way, I just need to find myself a loving, kind and caring male Alpha.

What my parents want is not what I want. I want my own free will. That's why I've decided to run away.

Yes, I know I just listed a few factors of many that require me to stay, like producing an heir and ruling the kingdom some day. However, it's not the life I want to live. My Mother is a lovely woman and my Father is a kind and reasonable man, but they've never truly been in love with each other. They're friendly and get along, sure, but they never do anything that true lovers do. If I'm being honest, I think Mother is eyeing one of the butlers. She even made him her personal butler by saying he was just getting a promotion, but I think otherwise. Nothing's happened between them.. yet.

I've got a bag of the most normal clothes I have that have been living at the back of my closet for a long time now.. and even those aren't very normal. I just want to fit in. Be a normal human being for once. If they find me, good for them. I just want to be normal; even if its just for a day.

I've planned to everything out. At midnight, or sometime around then, there is a certain positioning that Guards will take. There is a bathroom on the first floor that none of them surround. I mean, it's a bathroom; what is there to protect? However, I found an escape route through there. The window in the bathroom is always open slightly, and it's not on a hatch - it can be opened easily. I think I'm just small enough to squeeze through it when it's opened wide enough.

After I've managed to get through the window, it leads me to the farming gardens. There's a gate just around the corner that I've already messed with a little. Only certain Guards, Butlers and Maids have the keys, and even though I didn't have the keys, I picked it with some of my hair pins. Now, when someone 'locks' the padlock on the gate, nothing happens. I stuck the lock in place, so it's constantly unlocked. Luckily, no one has figured that out yet. You'd think that considering this is an extremely secure and protected place that they'd check for things like that once in a while, but I'm not about to jinx that.

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