chapter 6

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Michaels POV

I was speechless i had never seen him take a girl like that before she was already bleeding so much when she left there was a trail of blood i immediately ran to emily and asked what just happened.
"I don't really know he came down here he was so angry i tried to hide her i tried to push her into that room but he grabbed her and whacked her she fell and he just dragged her out i tried to go after them but he pushed me back I'm ok but she won't survive for long"she says fast and scared i run up the stairs and am surprised to see its open why would he leave it open if he knew he was gonna hurt her bad? I ran to the direction the trail if blood went and it ended at the stairs i quietly wandered up and heard a door slam i hid and watched luke walking away smirking, what has he done? When hes gone i go up to the door and listen through it i hear a man's voice but it's high pitched and quite bitchy he sounds gay.
"everyone at school has missed you awfully, especially George he hasnt shut up about you don't worry though you'll soon be forgotten. everyone thinks you went to live with your aunt and uncle in America thats right your parents haven't reported you missing guess they don't care maybe that's why they sold you, you would have arrived in my care today and then we could have all the fun we wanted" I hear Bella whimper as he draws out his last sentence, what the hell was going on? Her parents had sold her to this creep? And who was George? Was he a boyfriend? Would he look for her? Would her friends know something was up if she randomly left for America without telling anyone? Would she leave now and go live with this guy?
"m-mr ballad why a-are you doing... This?" she asked him her voice was shaking with fear he was a fucking teacher? Her sick teacher bought her and was planning on raping her? I couldn't listen anymore i burst throigh the door to find her already bruised and bloody lying in a corner of the room crouched into a ball with tears in her eyes and on her cheeks her clothes were already hanging off he ripped them, he was tall and muscular he looked to be about forty he was towering over her and about to slap her again when i came in i stared in shock and he came over to me.
"what the fuck are you doing in here you little shit" he said pushing me back.
"I'm here for her, i was meant to have her now" I lied trying to make it look like i was on his side.
"too bad were busy i need to teach her a lesson for missing so much science classes" he said grinning at me i cringed but tried to compose myself.
"come on, I'm a teenage boy with needs well be quick" I said confidently trying to persuade him to let her go.
"I either have her now or for the full weekend and i know how popular she is around here" he threatens i look over at her and she nods telling me she'll be ok but i know she won't, i know she can't live like this.
"what are you doing in here you little bastard, he's busy with her get out" I hear eric say to me as he yanks me back and throws me to the floor in the corridor.
"isnt he ya know... One of us?" I hear Mr ballad ask eric.
"fuck no he's adopted, we use him to help with the girls and to hit sometimes" eric explains in disgust, he left out the bit about me being raped to sometimes I don't know why he was usually so proud of himself for it.
"He fucking lied to my face" I look up and see Eric charging at me i cower away but feel a strong leg kick me in the neck sending my head back he uses the opportunity to kick me twice in the face before grabbing me up and punching me in the stomach repeatedly after about five minutes he smirks and drops me to the floor i cant move I'm bleeding and in too much pain i curl into a ball and cry waiting for Mr ballad to be done so I can check on Bella.

Bellas POV

I was sitting with emily she was asking about how I was feeling i told her I felt disgusting and i would rather die than be here suddenly luke came storming down the stairs and looked around i felt emily pushing me back i tried to get to the door unnoticed but it didnt work he saw and came straight at me he whacked me hard i fell to the floor and he grabbed my ankles tightly and dragged me along the floor we were at the bottom of the stairs and emily came up to us.
"please let her go she hurt already she needs to rest luke please" she begs him he pushes her back but she doesn't fall she reaches out for me but he stood on my wrist.
"get up the stairs you bitch" he roared at me i heard a door open and looked over to see Michael staring in horror before I was threw out the door he closed it behind him and continued to drag me only by my hair this timeat the stairs he threw me down and my head hit the third step he lifted me to my feet by my hair and pushed me up the steps and down the hall we reached a door he walked me inside and i stood in shock while luke left, sitting on the bed was my science teacher Mr ballad with an evil grin on his face. He got up and started walking towards me i backed up against the wall he came tight up to me and grabbed my hair and threw me across the room i scurried into the corner as he began walking towards he leaned down to eye level with me and stroked my cheek it hurt because when i hit my face on the step i bruised my cheek.
"everyone at school has missed you awfully, especially George he hasnt shut up about you don't worry though you'll soon be forgotten everyone thinks you went to live with your aunt and uncle in America thats right your parents haven't reported you missing guess they don't care maybe that's why they sold you, you would have arrived in my care today and we could have had all the fun we wanted" a cry escapes my lips but i dont sob there are tears though and I badly want this hell to end this is what I mean when i think things are about to get better they just get worse he moves his hand down my neck and to my bra i kick him back but he grabs my bra and knickers he rips them abit and stands up smirking.
"m-mr ballad why a-are you doing... this" I ask my voice shaking uncontrolably i am so scared i never liked Mr ballad he always gave me a rough time in science but this is much worse he is about to hit me again but the door bursts open and Michael comes through staring at us in shock.
"what the fuck are you doing in here you little shit" Mr ballad says walking towards Michael he backs up but says calmly.
"I'm here for her i was meant to have her now"
"too bad were busy she needs to learn a lesson for missing so many science classes"
"come on I'm a teenage boy with needs well be quick"
"I either have her now or the full weekend and i know how popular she is around here"Michael looks at me for help but i nod telling him to leave before he gets hurt but im too late.
"what are you doing in here you little bastard he's busy with her get out"eric says while pulling Michael back and throwing him to the floor.
"isnt he ya know.... One of us?" Mr ballad asks eric nervously.
"fuck no he's adopted we use him to help with the girls and to hit sometimes" eric says in disgust.
"He fucking lied to my face" I hear Mr ballad say in anger eric walks over to Michael i cant see what he does but i hear Michael moan in pain i attempt to get up to help him but Mr ballad stops me he flings me on the bed and crawls on top of me.
"no! Please no don't!" I desperately beg him as he holds my wrists above my head he leans down his head and kisses my neck sucking and biting at it i struggle but he puts his hand over my vagina and adds pressure hurting me badly i muffle a scream not wanting him to know how painful it is after i have already been raped recently.
"now let's have a bit of fun" he says into my ear before licking deep inside it and then my lip i purse my lips together tightly refusing to let him in but he applies pressure again and i gasp he kisses me roughly and bites my lip i instantly taste blood he then cups my breast and rubs it roughly hurting me yet again he sits up with his knees on either side of my hips and slaps me across the face before unhooking my bra and licking, sucking and biting on my nipples painfully his hand moved lower and he pulls Down my pants throwing them to the floor i am still struggling but he doesn't let me move he sticks a finger inside of me and pumps i scream in pain but he just goes deeper before pulling his finger out and thrusting his dick roughly inside of me going deeper than eric and luke went it hurts so bad and I scream loudly he kisses me as he rapes me.
"thats right scream baby" he whispers into my ear before biting my neck.
"please it hurts please just stop I'm sorry I'm so sorry just stop please" when I'm done begging he thrusts harder and goes even deeper and let's go if my wrists using both hands to cup my breast he lifts himself up and moves me to the floor in a kneeling position he grabs my hand and puts it over his penis and forces me to give him a hand job before taking my hand away and forcing it down my throat i choke and try to crawl back but he pushes it deeper.
"just suck it and i won't hurt your little friend out there" he says sweetly in my ear i take a deep breathe through my nose and suck slightly on him tears are running down my face and I'm in so much pain he eventually stands up after cumming in my mouth and forcing me to swallow it he slaps me one last time throwing me to the floor before leaving me on the floor i curl into a ball and cry myself into a deep sleep i hope to never wake from.

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