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[Temple, Iraq. Thursday,
May 30, 2003.]

𝟷𝟿:𝟸𝟸 𝙷𝚁𝚂

Carrying the injured Nathan Merwin on his back, Jason Kolchek ran down the passageway whereas Y/n L/n and Nicolas Kay fell behind to fire at the creatures along the way. And, upon entering an open space, the pair watch as the lieutenant sets down Merwin to assist them in fending off the monsters.

"Wait!" Nick calls out before he and Y/n turn around to see a creature jump on a fallen column, preparing to pounce on its awaiting prey.

Instinctively, the trio started shooting at its pale and skeletal framework but they had no time to figure out whether or not they successfully killed the beast because as soon as it jumped off from its podium, Y/n made quick work of helping Merwin who was then placed over Nick's shoulders and they all continue to run down the corridor.

Running through the tunnel, the group ended up in a cave with stairs and rubble on one side and a seemingly empty underpass. "We gotta go through it!" Nick gestures over to the rubble which caused Y/n's heart to sink, knowing that it would be difficult for the men to navigate through such a steep and unpredictable route whilst carrying Merwin.

"He won't make it. The other way is safer." Jason mutters under his breath. "I agree." Y/n decided to quickly speak up, knowing that her and Lieutenant Kolchek's votes would disregard Sergeant Kay's previous comment.

"This way..."

Nick and Y/n followed Jason behind the rubble, going around it, as the sergeant pressed Merwin up against the aged material for support just as one of the creatures entered the exact area. Its clicks and animalistic noises can be heard echoing throughout the cave which in itself caused Y/n's breath to hitch. It was as if it was stalking them.

The group could do nothing but sit there and wait patiently while they overheard the beast drawing closer, its long and grotesque nails kicking up the dirt beneath it. Hesitantly looking up, Y/n watched as Jason's jaw tightly clenched while his ebony eyes remained glued to his gun. They couldn't shoot it and Lieutenant Kolchek knew that better than anybody, though she would never forgive him or Nick for the incident at the checkpoint.

After a few painstakingly long seconds, the creature scurried away, presumably rejoining its kind in another section of the never-ending cave. The boys sought this as an opportunity to haul Merwin over Nick's shoulder once more and continue through the tunnels, still being chased.

At some point during their great escape, Y/n lends Nick a helping hand in putting Merwin on the ground just as  Jason is suddenly tackled by the creature. In the next moment, Jason could be seen stabbing the monster with his knife whilst Nick and Y/n handled on shooting it.

Overwhelmed, the creature disappeared.

𝟷𝟿:𝟸𝟺 𝙷𝚁𝚂
𝙳𝙴𝙿𝚃𝙷: 𝟷𝟺𝟺 𝙵𝚃.

With the generator powered and the lights back on, Rachel King immediately makes a beeline toward the tape recorder that she noticed earlier in hopes to interact with it. "Eric, take a look at this." She called out for her husband.

"You think it still works?" The lieutenant colonel approached Rachel's side, resting his hands on the table as his eyes scanned the old device.

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