hopekook ~ early

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Smut warning

Exhaling forcefully, Jungkook tries to find something to focus his eyes on. His eyes that are big and doe-like, lips parted and rosy pink, tattoos decorating every inch of the skin on his arms so not an empty patch remains. Adorable and sexy, as his boyfriend calls him.

And very nervous. But not in a bad way, no. He's just excited. He's been waiting for this moment, and now he's here - now he's sitting in bed, back against the headboard and his dick so hard it hurts - he's.... he's losing his mind a little. But only a little. (A fucking lot)

Jungkook watches intently yet silently as his boyfriend gets undressed, first losing his shirt, then his jeans, and finally his boxers, showing more skin than he's ever seen before, beautiful honey-kissed skin he wants to touch and kiss for hours on end, and he has to swallow down hard and tell his dick to calm the fuck down. He can't come yet.

Not until he's fucked him, at least. Please.

But it seems impossible. It really does.

Hoseok's gorgeous. He's gorgeous everywhere. Every single inch of him. His skin glows under the dim lights, or maybe it's just the way Jungkook sees him, who knows.

He gives a small reassuring smile when he crawls closer and sits with his knees on each side of Jungkook, his beautiful golden cock resting against his boyfriend's stomach. He kisses him too. Gently, just lips against lips.

"You look like you're about to cry." Hoseok says, but he doesn't seem worried.

"I really think I might." Jungkook breathes out, hands shaking a little as he holds Hoseok's waist and squeezes it slightly. "You're just so pretty."

He really fucking is. And Hoseok probably knows that.

C'mon, he definitely knows. There's no way this man wakes up every day, looks at himself in the mirror and doesn't think he's the prettiest man alive. Like, seriously.

"You think so?"

A small giggle escapes Hoseok's lips and Jungkook doesn't know why, but he finds that so hot. Maybe it's because Hoseok is acting fucking cute when he's sitting naked and hard on top of him. He really doesn't know, but it's hot. So damn hot.


"You think I'm pretty?"


Hoseok nods, then runs a finger down the centre of Jungkook's chest, eyes never leaving his boyfriend's. "Would you like to fuck this pretty man?"

"I would. I really would. Please, hyung."

"You will." Hoseok promises him with a kiss. "I know first times can be overwhelming, baby, so I made sure to be ready for you."

Jungkook's grip on Hoseok is tight, maybe too tight, but his boyfriend doesn't seem to mind. He looks like he might like it, in fact.

"You... You prepped yourself for me?" the younger can't quite believe it, one of his hands sliding down to his ass. "Did you... Did you..."

"Why don't you check?"

His confident smirk makes Jungkook want to come, but he doesn't. Holy fuck, he wants to, his dick aches with every passing second he waits, but he doesn't.

Sliding his fingers between his boyfriend's cheeks, he finds a small wet spot and gently pushes one inside. It's tight, he can feel that, but not too tight. And it's not exactly wet either - Hoseok's fucking dripping with lube.



Jungkook can't speak. Can't say a word. All he can do is wonder how his dick will feel inside him.

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