jikook ~ banana milk

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"Hi, how big is your party?"

"S-Sorry?" Jimin manages to stammer out, noticing a waiter suddenly appear at the host stand. "Oh, yeah, um, there's two. Me and my boyfriend - he's meeting me here."

"Alright, right this way."

He follows in silence, sighing as he reaches the table, and taps his fingers on the wood as he sits down, a menu being placed in front of him.

"I'll be with you in just a few minutes." the waiter tells him before vanishing again, and Jimin starts to peruse the menu, moving a finger lazily across the laminated paper.

The hustle and bustle of the café starts to grow muffled, his vision narrowing on the woodgrain of the table, but everything soon returns to normal. It's no big deal. It's just a date.

To be honest, he felt like this on their first date too. But somehow, despite only having just met him, Jungkook took him and ironed out the nervous ball of nerves in his stomach. Something about his wit, charm and amazing sense of humour was enough to ease all of his worries, make him forget all his doubts - and, let's be honest, he's super hot, so that helped too.

"What can I get you?"

"Can I have..." he glances back at the menu, forgetting what he wanted to order since he's so worked up over this, "um... a honeycomb iced latte, please?"

"Of course, sir." the waiter scribbles his order down on the little notepad in his hand. "Anything else?"

"Yeah, actually, um..." Jimin gestures for him to come closer, leaning in to whisper in his ear. The waiter pulls back when he's done talking, a small smile on his face.

"I'll get that put through for you, sir." he says, tapping the side of his nose twice as he walks away confidently.

Jimin's left alone with his thoughts again, yet he only has one on his mind by now. A tall, handsome one with an adorable smile, gorgeous eyes he could spend all day looking into, and with whom he shares amazing chemistry. And that thought is brought to fruition, as there he is, strolling through the café door with his shy, bambi energy on show.

Jimin raises his hand, waving his boyfriend over with a little smile, and watches his doe eyes light up at the sight of him. Jungkook's quick to shuffle into the seat opposite him (after greeting him with a gentle peck on the lips, of course), making himself comfortable on the plush leather and folding his coat over the side of the booth.

"Have you ordered yet?"

"Yeah, about 5 minutes ago." Jimin answers. "I wasn't sure exactly what you'd want so I just opted for a banana milkshake."

"That's fine, I love the shakes here." his boyfriend smiles. "Are you okay? You look nervous."

"No, I'm..." Jimin's eyes wander, landing on the waiter who took the order, then they flicker back to the man in front of him. He smiles back. "I'm okay. I'm with you."

Time seems to pass quite slowly, but they soon get their drinks. Jungkook's eyes go wide and childlike as he wraps his lips around the straw sticking out of his cup, and the elder can't help but simper at the sight of him, his stomach full of a thousand butterflies.

God, he's so in love.

They share their usual banter as they continue to enjoy their drinks, the topics the perfect dichotomy of playful and flirty, demonstrating their love for one another whilst not making other people uncomfortable, and Jimin smiles subtly as he notices his boyfriend's milkshake dwindle over time, soon coming to nothing but a little pile of cream and syrup at the bottom of the cup.

Jungkook emits a surprised yelp as the straw gets stuck on something, wiggling it a little to try and loosen it, and notices something poking out of the deflated pool of whipped cream at the bottom.

"Can you pass me a napkin, please?" he asks his boyfriend, puzzled. "I think they put something in my drink."

Jimin watches like a hawk, remaining in complete silence as he hands him a few napkins from the little dispenser on the table, and is on the edge of his seat.

"What's even in this?" the younger seems almost angry, watching the remaining milkshake dribble out of the cup onto the napkins as he tips it up, and there's a little clink as a piece of wet metal tumbles out and hits the soggy paper. He picks it up, wipes it off with a clean napkin, then looks at Jimin in disbelief as he realises what it is - a little silver ring, with a single diamond set in the middle of the thin band.


"C'mere." his boyfriend reaches to hold his hand over the table. "Baby, you're everything to me. Every day I wake up, I go to work, and I come home - I have done for my entire adult life - but that's not living. With you, I have a reason to get up, a reason to go to work, and a reason to come home. With you, I finally feel alive. Jeon Jungkook - wait, let me do this properly." he gently takes the ring, sliding out of his seat and onto one knee on the floor, and holds the piece of jewellery up. "Jeon Jungkook, will you marry me?"

Jungkook can't help but grin, nodding as his eyes fill with tears. He chokes back a sob. "I love you."

"I love you too," the elder leans up to kiss him, wiping away his tears, "my amazing husband-to-be."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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