Season 1 Cast

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Katherine Langford
Khalia Mikaelson

Jenny Boyd As Elizabeth "Lizzie" Saltzman

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Jenny Boyd
Elizabeth "Lizzie" Saltzman

Jenny Boyd As Elizabeth "Lizzie" Saltzman

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Peyton Alex Smith
Rafael Waithe

Danielle Rose Russell As Hope Mikaelson

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Danielle Rose Russell
Hope Mikaelson

Kaylee Bryant As Josette "Josie" Saltzman

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Kaylee Bryant
Josette "Josie" Saltzman

Kaylee Bryant As Josette "Josie" Saltzman

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Aria Shahghasemi
Landon Kirby

Aria Shahghasemi As Landon Kirby

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Quincy Fouse

Chris Lee As Kaleb

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Chris Lee

Matt Davis As Alaric Saltzman

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Matt Davis
Alaric Saltzman

Matt Davis As Alaric Saltzman

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