yuki station

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It would be a long train ride, Naoko had warned her. She would also need to go to the mall to pick up some supplies. (Yes, she would have to go alone, that was part of the surprise, yes, she'd be back as soon as she could, no, she did not need help finding what she needed, that would ruin the whole thing, really, Keyla, weren't you even listening?)

But eventually plans were agreed to and the proper resources were found and tucked neatly away in a bag hidden and safe, far from Keyla's curious eyes and mischievous hands.

It was a dreary day, fresh into fall, the faintest cold wind whipping through the air. Keyla shivered, just a little, but had dressed more warmly, Naoko having told her to anticipate this. It was almost autumn, she had said. You can't keep wearing shorts. You'll freeze.

Keyla had disagreed on principle but obeyed nonetheless, instead opting for jeans and a long-sleeved shirt underneath the large green jacket. Naoko had forgone her waders (thanks to the jelly) and wore long black pants and fluffy boots, with a soft blue t-shirt. They weren't incredibly clean or even slightly new, but it was a change. A risk. Naoko wasn't sure how she felt about it quite yet.

They boarded the train, Keyla settling down beside her, Naoko keeping the extra bag tucked behind her feet.

"How far away is our stop?" Keyla squirmed in her spot, impatient.

"It's one of the furthest ones," Naoko said calmly. "It will take quite some time to get there."

Keyla fidgeted again and Naoko didn't have to look at her to see the pouting frowns etched onto her face. In a sudden flush of courage, she reached out, pulling Keyla's hand into hers, fitting her fingers in the slots between Keyla's. She was careful not to look at her, firmly staring out the and pretending that it was the most natural thing in the world.

But out of the corner of her eye, she watched they way Keyla smile brightened as her cheeks darkened. The other girl squeezed her palm and finally, finally, settled down.


Naoko had planned on telling Keyla to close her eyes once they got close enough, but Keyla had fallen to sleep before Naoko had gotten the chance.

It couldn't be a very comfortable sort of sleep. Keyla's neck was crooked, cheek was resting on Naoko's shoulder, slumped between her and the plastic seat. Her arm was twisted, bent slightly, so their hands were still intertwined, sitting in Naoko's lap.

But Naoko let her sleep until the train puffed to a stop.

"Keyla," She nudged the girl off her shoulder. "Keyla, wake up."

Keyla blinked groggily, then started as Naoko reached up and threw a hand over her eyes.

"Keep them closed!" She whispered.

Naoko peeled her hands back and Keyla covered her eyes with her palm, stretching our her spare arm to Naoko.

Naoko took her hand and led them through the station. She shivered, a little, but stuck through it, until they reached the front doors.

"Okay," Naoko said, releasing Keyla's hand and stepping back. "You can look now."

And Keyla did.

"SNOW!" The girl shrieked, flailing her hands around like she wasn't quite sure what to do with them.

"Yes," Naoko smiled.





And it was, fat snowflakes lazily fluttering to the ground. They blanketed the rooftops and clustered in large lumps around the thick, black ice. It was white snow, pure white snow, layered in glittering, rolling hills.

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