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Lemon had just got out of practice for club, and Hallie had driven up to meet her after she got out. They drove to the Taco bell right there to sit in the parking lot. Hallie had full blown tears in her eyes when Lemon climbed into the passenger seat of her car, and blaring from the speakers was the song July. Lemon reached over and turned the volume down as fast as she could.

"Honey no, don't do this to yourself"

"Why do I still feel like a waste?"

"Baby you are the farthest thing from a waste"

"Then why did I let him make me feel like this? Why do I still feel like this when I have the most beautiful person in the world right here with me?"

"Hallie I dunno honey, but we should probably talk about it?"

"Lemon I don't want to talk about him anymore."

"But Hal...it's not right for you to keep allowing him to hurt you.."

"But he is still hurting me Lemon. He's told the town that I'm a lesbian and I'm probably dating you.."

"Oh god."

They were silent for what felt like an eternity. Lemon didn't know how to respond, she was scared.


Lemon's palms were waterfalls, and soon after so were her cheeks.

Lemon turned towards the window away from Hallie and she reached over and grabbed Lemon's side.

"Lemon no, please.."


"Lemon I will never ever stop loving you no matter what anyone says about us.."

"Hal I know but, this is not good.."

"Oh I know, my mother has already devised this plan to make sure he looks like an asshole..but she says I need to keep my distance from you for awhile."

"Is she setting you up with someone else?"

"Well, we are going to the local bar together on Sunday, where I'm sure she will make a big ol' scene."

"Are you going to drink with mom now?"

"Yea I guess I probably will have to start doing that now and spending more time in town so it doesn't seem like I'm hiding..."

They were silent again and for some reason Lemon felt this unnerving fear that this was the beginning of the end.

"Lemon baby"

Lemon had her eyes out the window, and the song was still on repeat so she could still kind of hear it in the backround.

"Feels like a lifetime

Just trying to get by

While were dying inside.

I've done a lot of things wrong

Loving you being one

But I can't move on"

A slow tear runs down Lemon's cheek and she could feel Hallie reach over and wipe it away. Lemon turns to her and stares into Hallie's eyes.

She looks at Lemon with so much fear but also okay at the same time.


"Yea Hal"

"No one can ever make me forget all the things I have with you that I will never have with anyone else"

"I know"

She leans over to kiss Lemon but she turns her face away with full tears flowing.

"Lemmie please..."


"No Lemon. You don't get to go building that fucking wall back up."

"I'm not trying to. I swear to god I am not."

"Lemmie, will you kiss me?"

"Hal I don't know why you've been waiting so long."

She leans in and grabs Lemon's other hand and holds them close to her stomach.

She leans in to kiss her and Lemon is super scared at first.

Lemon felt awkward, scared Lemon come back very fast; Her body locked up tight like a log. She started to rub the inside of Lemon's palm, and starts to kiss her neck.

"Sweetie it's me."

Lemon starts to shake a little and Hallie wraps Lemon into her arms like all those other times before.

"Lemmie girl, it's me honey."

"I know"

"Shh, breathe"

Lemon takes a deep breathe in and then out

"Lemmie baby, come here."

Lemon looks into Hallie's eyes and thinks "her eyes are like oceans"


"Yes baby girl"

"Your eyes are like oceans."

Hallie suddenly reaches over to her phone and turns on a song.

"Lemmie girl I've been wanting to tell you for a long time that this was going to be our song."

It started to play...

"Don't move, there's a lion next to you...

I pray that your soul survives it through another day..

Cause in my dreams, there were angels circling

I could see everything you ever wanted me to be"

"Oh God Hallie...."

"Shh baby, breathe"

"I see oceans in your eyes, it makes me scared...

So if we both drown...

Oh, don't be scared

I'm right here

And what is fear

When no one knows

What comes next?

So yea I'm scared

But I won't let it get to me."

Lemon lean in and kisses her, her whole entire soul feels as though it is filled instantly. Shes suddenly less scared.

"You know I've been writing you a poem

So I spoke all the words I ever wanted you to know.."

"I see oceans in your soul it makes me scared..

So if we both drown..."


"Yea Lemmie girl"

"I will drown with you.."

"Baby, we already are..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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