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The most revered beings in the universe. 

The most mysterious beings in the universe. 

They come about in mysterious births, and die mysterious deaths.

Wouldn't you like to know the stories they tell?

Wouldn't you like to know the secrets they hold?

Of course you do. 

Every human does. 

Since the beginning of your existence, you have all looked up at the night sky in wonder. 

No matter how young, no matter how old.

You've used the stars to guide your way, to wish for good luck, to tell stories.

To light your way home. 

And so have I.

I know of your desire for understanding.

Amongst the stars is my home, and in them I find comfort.

I want to tell these stories, share these secrets. They're near and dear to my heart, having been taught to me by these ancient, mysterious beings. 

The stars love hearing about Life, and about the way you all look up and wonder.

They love you very much.

They'd want to tell you themselves.

I am simply the next best alternative.

My name is Asteri.

I am named after the stars, my beloved family.

Though you may know me better as Lunarae, the God of the Moon.


To tell a story properly, one must start at the beginning.

And in the beginning, there was Her.

But if there was Her, was it really the beginning?

Was there a beginning before Her? Will there be an end after Her?

Only She knows these answers.

My teacher came after her, as did I.

The one I refer to is Methuselah, of course.

Some say She is older than time.

There was once a time when She was known as the mother of all stars. She now rests, largely forgotten.

I wonder what She would make of the existence of Life in this universe? I wonder what she would make of me?

She may be old, but She is wiser than us all. She foresaw all of this in the universe's early days.

I know little of what transpired in-between Her beginning and the creation of Life. The stars told me of many ancient wars that raged between systems, and of the destruction of whole galaxies altogether. There was no rhyme nor rhythm to it, no underlying cause. No story to tell.

I could hardly imagine the universe being filled with the explosive nature of war. The scenery before me was so tranquil, so calm.

But he assured me that it was true. Methuselah had seen thousands of wars, and my teacher, being quite old, was taught by Her, before she stopped seeing young stars.

Stars: As Told by the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now