Chapter 1: Time For A Beat Down

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"You!" I screeched, as I took a flying leap, and shoved my boot into Shaun's ribs. "How did you find me! Did Pavell send you?"

My fists were thrusting as deep as I could reach, which still wasn't as deep as it should have been due to some random blonde grabbing me and trying to toss me down. I figured it must be another subduer and threw my head back, squarely hitting the girl in the nose. She dropped down several meters before twirling about and catching the wind back towards us. "Iggy get away! I'll handle this."

Shaun stared past me to the girl and nodded. I grabbed him as he flew away, throwing him off balance and spiraling towards the ground. "Get off of me or I'll blow you to pieces."

"What? Like you did to Taya? Tell me something I don't know. Shaun... you..." The words caught in my throat as I remembered how he turned us in.


I stared into his eyes, making sure that he would see me one last time before I destroyed both of our futures. They were still beautiful, his eyes still looked so similar to the boy he had been before the sci-fi's had taken him from us. They looked like the sea, except... stormy...and... not so much like they see at all. These were not the eyes of the boy who... was once...

The kid slipped out of my fingers and I felt nauseous. Another guy with long black hair flew up behind me and kicked me away from him. Before they flew off, I grabbed blonde kid's shoulder. "When did they take your eyes?"

"Think fast." The kid whispered tossing a rock my way. I caught it.

Turns out, it's a bad idea to play catch with the guy you're beating up.


Thousands of pieces of debris pelted my face and wings. My arms and hands were scorched, but, thankfully, intact. The pain coursed up my arms, but it was no where near as bad as the shame I felt stinging my cheeks. Tears burned in the brim of my eyes as I plummeted. No wonder the dopey blonde was pulling out the big guns.... You know how they say you should never punch a kid with glasses?

Quickly, I dove into the cloud cover. He followed me. "You can't just try to pulverize a stranger, and then fly away. It's not polite." He laughed.

"Come out now!" The blonde shouted, and I peeked out of a fluffy patch of cumulus. Looking over the blind kid's shoulder, I saw them. I was surrounded by a bunch of birdies. That's what they called us at Delta Labs. Birdies... genetic freaks... like me... like my family.

"Sorry, I thought you were someone... else."

With one flap, the boy flew closer than I expected. "Can you see?"

"What?" I deadpanned. "Yes..."

"Interesting," The boy laughed.

My ears felt hot and my chest clenched up.

"Sorry," I muttered beneath my breath. "I really thought-"

The kid nodded, placing his hands on his hips. "Yea, I heard you. You thought I was someone else."

I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I knew I was staring, and I think he felt it too. He crossed his arms in front of his chest awkwardly.

"Is your last name Griffiths?"

The kid froze. They all froze. The blonde girl tensed up, "Iggy..."

"What kind of name is Iggy?" I said.

Iggy snorted. "What kind of name is Shaun?"

Silence permeated the atmosphere and the wind picked up all around me, blowing my brown hair like a hurricane about me.

"What kind of manners is it to punch someone you don't even know?" Gazzy shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth. If Nudge kept talking, I'd know everyone's names soon enough.

"Uh... um..." I scratched my neck. "I think we got started on the wrong foot."

"I'd say," said Fang, the black haired boy, glaring my way.

"Yea, I know...I..."

I scrunched up my face in frustration and covered my forehead with my fingers. I wanted to scream. I needed to cry.

Just then, every hair on my body stood straight up. My arms were laced with goosebumps as a chill ran up my spine. I grabbed Iggy by the wrist and Fang tensed up, ready to fight. I knocked him out of the way with my shoulder.


They barely made it. A subduer shot above us as we soared towards the ground. I let go of Iggy's shirt once I was certain he knew the direction we were going. My heart was racing.

"I'm not even in Arizona anymore. How did they find me?" I muttered to myself as I flew into the lower cloud line for cover. I had expected the birdies to fly away once I had released Iggy, but the blonde girl followed me.

"There is a forest down due north. Follow us there," she said, flying off below the cloud cover.

So, I did.

I probably shouldn't have. 

The Blind Leading The Blind: A Maximum Ride FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now