The Meeting.....

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Eyes widen at the sight before me. The snarling beast was huge! It was black with red streaks in different places. The red was vibrant that it seems to glow and illuminate the walls and floor around it. What caught my eyes the most was not his sharp fangs that could kill me in that instant, it was its fiery eyes. The ruby obs said many things, but I could read death altogether. The most noticeable characteristic about the angry beast, was it seem faded like it was not physically here. Like some type of spirit.

It roars out a terrifying howl that turned into a growl, snapping me out of my frozen state. As if its battle cry hit me, I stumbled down on my back. The stairs were not a comfortable place to lay. Its fur seems to rustle up as it glared into my own soul. I felt like I was already dead, causing tears to break free from my eyes. 'Quick, think before you're actually dead!'

My brain traveled 100 miles per hour without actually moving, then it crashed into an idea. I gripped the floor below me, waiting for the beast to make the first move, and it did. I might be a wimp, but I'll have my moments. As soon as its jaws were open and close, I pushed my legs upward to kick it in the jaw, closing it and causing it to stumble downstairs. "A solid ghost?" I stood quickly, seeing it recover at the bottom. It shook its head a couple of times. "I've seen chihuahuas scarier than you!" Me and my big mouth. It snapped its head up, angrier than before. It charged up causing me to run up to my room. "It was a joke! I'm sorry!!!"

I made it to my door and slammed it closed before I became a midnight meal. The door slammed a couple of times with scratching sounds here and there. Soon it abruptly stopped, as if it has given up. I chuckled out of fear, "Even chihuahuas have more fighting spirit than you!" *BANG* The door had a huge hole, the face of the beast breaking through. I screamed, then covered my mouth. It tried its best to get in but soon stopped. It then tried to pull out, but seem stuck. It slowly realized this and just stared at me. 

I slowly stood, cautious that it was baiting me. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at its head for good measure. It didn't flinch, nor turn away, just stared. "Stuck pretty good, huh?" It slowly blanked, its snarl slowly relaxing. "I'm not helping you." I then sat on my bed, watching it, examining its features. It did the same to me. After an hour or so of our staring contest, its ear flicked. 'Cute!' The beast looked like an oversized wolf. There were red symbols from between its eyes to the back of its head, from what I can see anyway.

I began to get cold and tired, it must have noticed that too. I didn't want to fall asleep with death watching me. I sighed and stood, it watching my movements closely. "It's really late bud," I walked towards it with raised hands. "I'm exhausted. Look, I don't want to be here as much as you do, but I have no choice. I understand this is your home, but it's my home now too. I know you think I'm intruding and I'm not welcomed here, but I have no place to go. I'm not wanted anywhere and this place is all I got now. I'm going to take care of it, don't worry. I'll stay out of your fur, you won't even know I'm here..." I was at arm's length with it. 

It growled at the back of its throat. I tilt my head and knelt down to show I'm submissive in the situation. "I'm sorry about your jaw. I have no right to stay, I know, but may I stay here for now? With your permission?" It only stared. "I do love the place, It's wonderful and I can see why you want to be selfish with it." I sadly smiled. "But aren't you lonely here? This big place, all by yourself?" Its hard eyes seem to soften as its for became more solid. "How about I help you out? Your head and neck must be in pain." I stood straight and offered a hand, just close enough for it to smell me, but still far enough to not bite.

It seems to be thinking as it sniffed me. I then heard slight thumping on the other side of the door. Its features changed from threatened and uneasy, to relaxed and happy. It even seems to smile a bit. I couldn't help myself, "Daw! So cute!" It huffed and tugged its head. I chuckled, "I gotcha..." I then gently rubbed its head. It seems to trust me as I went down to the side of its face. It turned to lick me a bit. I giggled as it tickled. "I gotchu. You'll be out soon." I cooed as I went near his neck. "Is this ok?" It grunted but didn't seem bothered. "Good wolf ghost thing?" I coaxed as I helped push it back in the wall, but it wouldn't budge. 

"That's not good." I heard a strangle whine from it. "No! Don't worry, I'll think of something, I always do!" I looked around but couldn't think of anything that could help me. 'I'll just have to grit my teeth and-' With a strangled cry of pain, I broke more pieces off the door, some cutting into my hand. It began to panic, "It's ok! You'll be ok! I'm here, and I got you!" I felt tears in my eyes and I finished breaking more off. "There, pull out." Its head popped out but threaten to go back through. "I'll be fine, tis but a scratch!" I chuckled as I gripped my hands behind my back.

"You're free now!" I  exclaimed excitedly but soon began to shake as my vision got blurry. 'My hand can't be causing this reaction.' Suddenly I fell to my knees, the top of my body soon following. "You'll be ok, I'm just sleepy, please don't worry about me." I mumbled out, my vision grew darker as I tried to focus on something, but all I saw was... 'Shoes?'

"Welcome home."


I slowly gained conciseness. I heard birds chirping, but didn't see any light. After moving a bit, I discovered I was undercover, hehe. I slowly removed my blankets and took a look around. My eyes burned from either the tears or the sun, maybe even both. I noticed the door immediately, fixed as if last night's events never happen, a dream even. But then I felt a slight numbness with stinging on my hands. They were bandaged. 'Who?' I stood from my bed, wanted answers. I then felt the effects of my midnight water quest hit me. 'Gotta pee!'

After that was done, I decided that I should probably eat something too. I halted in my tracks as I saw something in the mirror. "Good morning you, crazy night?" I nodded. "Looked like you had one, should probably fix that look huh?" I glared. "What? Just looking out for number one, or in this case number 2," I growled at my reflection. "I'm mean to myself sometimes," I took care of my appearance, "Sometimes it's needed, but I don't know why." After I was done, I saw something in the reflection. Not me of course, something fur rising.

The object wasn't something I've seen before. More like someone... In the doorway, was a black hedgehog with red streaks in his quills, arms, and legs. His eye was a beautiful crimson red and his muzzle was tan. His spikes go down but point upward at the end. But the two in the middle went straight down I think...I couldn't tell if he was wearing shoes or not, but I did notice some white gloves with black cuffs and red tongues. They each had what appears to be rings wrapped around his wrist. He also had this cute white chest fur that I could just cuddle in all day. I started to blush a bit at the thought. 

I snapped out of my admiring faze as I saw him move. I sucked in my breath as he slowly walks towards me. I never moved my eyes off his. His eyes were halfway lowered and his face seemed soft with a sadness in his eyes. His hands raised in a longing way. He looked like me kinda. Lonely. The stranger was close to where I felt his nonexistent breath on my ears, causing them to twitch. I tensed, waiting for him to do something. He then placed his hands on my shoulders which were ice cold.

This caused me to snap out of my shocked state and I quickly turned around, finding no one there. Some mysterious steam floated up in his place. I was confused and turned back to the mirror to see if I could view this stranger again. I found something a bit chiller instead. The glass was foggy with some dripping wording on it. 

'I'm sorry ~ Shadow.' 

Shadow? Who's that? And why are they sorry? I wondered...

'Why does that name sound familiar?'

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