Chapter 1

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I woke up on the Hotel floor, cold and barely dressed with only a bed sheet tossed over me, like i was being hid from something, i got up and walked across the Hotel room floor and towards the bedroom, I walked into the room and was greeted by, Nothing?? Hmm, well guess she stayed at a guys room last night. I walked over to the side of the bed and pulled out the Compartment under the bed where we stashed our bags, i pulled it out all the way, the metal squeaking from all the weight was our bags that heavy? I looked down at the inside of the Compartment to find my bestfriend Alexia, covered in blood, hiding in there. I gasped and fell back in horror terrified that she was dead or seriously hurt. I crept to the Compartment and reached over and gently touched Alexia's head, she jolted up and looking dead at me.

"What happened to you?! Are you okay?" i asked hugging her not caring that blood was now all over me, Alexia rubbed her head and looked down at her hands, like something was supposed to be there. "I don't know all i remember is-" her eyes widened in terror of what she just thought, she jumped out of the Compartment and grabbed out bags and put them on the bed.

She then ran into the bathroom stripped her clothes off and jumped into the shower, i went to my bag which was a big black backpack, we were only staying two days so i didn't bring much. I got out a White T-shirt and Blue jean Shorts, and changed into them. I decided to throw away my clothes i just took off. Alexia came out of the bathroom in blue jean shorts and a blue V-neck shirt, she puts her hair up and before i could even ask her more about what happened, she puts my hair up, gives me my shoes and starts to put hers on.
I put my shoes on and start to make sure i had everything before we left, after checking every room while being rushed by Alexia, i had made sure we had everything that was ours. "Clare, come on hurry up." Alexia said to me picking up her bag and putting it on, "Alex, what happened?" She looks at me, her wavy auburn hair up in a ponytail, her Green eyes shining from the eyeliner she put on. She sighs and sits on the bed, i stand in front of her waiting for the story. She looks at me, her face pale now instead of the usual tan toned skin she has.

"Alex, tell me." i look at her pleading to know, "It Started last night, after you got drunk i ditched that guy and brought us back here, but i started to notice on the way here that people were acting strange, like growling and snapping if you just look their way. So i quickly got you up here and when i did." she stopped breathing in really big "There was a man near our door and he had been hurt, he was shot in the stomach and there was blood everywhere on him, and i looked at him and when i did you said something and he snapped and came after us in a weird run like shuffle. I got us into the room and i told you to stay still, and i put you on the floor and threw a sheet over you hoping he wouldn't find you and then he broke down the door, somehow.
He came in and tried to get me, he didn't notice you thank god. But-" she started crying, and looked at me with that look she only gets when she's done something horrible wrong. "But, i grabbed a knife from the kitchen and he started coming at me, and I got cornered and when he got close enough, i stabbed him, through the neck and it didn't stop him so i stabbed him in the eye.

He stopped and that's when i knew what was happening. Which is why we need to get out of here." she said standing up heading towards the door, i grabbbed my bag put it on and i stood beside her, "what is it?" i look at her, she looks at me, her face still pale but slowly getting color. "Zombies. The virus. It's happening." i go into shock i slouch against the wall and just shrivel into a ball A zombie apocalypse? It can't be true. It can't be happening. I look at Alexia who is now crouched in front of me, "Clare, we need to go." She pulls me up and i manage to somewhat pull it together. She hands me two knifes, one in one hand, one in the other. "Ready?" i nod my head.

She opens the door and we walk out into the hall everything looked normal besides the fact that there was blood stains all over walls, some of the lights were off and there was dead bodies on the floor, the peoples bodies eaten out by a Monster. Their intestines still hanging out of them, well what's left anyways. We walked past them keeping our eyes anywhere but the gruesome scene beside us. "When we get down here to the elevator, i want you to press the button I'm taking the stairs and I'll meet you there. If the door opens and you see any zombies, kill them, stab them in the head, then wait for me." i look at her wanting to beg her to not go, but i decided it's best not to. "Okay."

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