Bullies Pt.1

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While on my slippery and cold chair, I was taking notes of our lesson in Biology. Students were taking lame pictures of me and other students would just... say gossip and rumors that spread through the whole school. My bestfriend is only there to help me gain a little faith, but it NEVER worked and not once. My name is Mary Duckson and lives in... America.

My bestfriend, Kaya told me that everything was gonna be fine on the first day of school but... it wasn't. People started to make fun of my worth because my mom is always at work because we, our family.. we are all poor while my friend is as rich as hell.

Mary: Everything is so lucky for you, Kaya.
Kaya: I actually never thought of that... I should give you money to be more rich!
Mary: I don't really know about this, Kaya.
Kaya: Oh you! It's fine... just ask your mother if she's okay with that. And I'll go ask mine.

She gave a deep sigh, I looked up at the sky and looked back at Kaya. She seemed to be waiting for an answer.

Mary: I'll think about it..
Kaya: Fine, just message me when everything's fine. Thanks!
Mary: Alright.. but I should be the one to say thank you.. anyways bye!
Kaya: bye bestie!!

She rushed out of the school and I smiled, a few girls came up to me and looked deadly at me, they stared with their ugly eyes. And I sighed at them.

Mary: What do you want from me now?
Chary: Remember Jake? Yeah, we're taking him. I'm the leader so I get him.
Mino: I'm so sorry about them I-
Kim: Don't say sorry to her! She's the reason we're here right now!

Kim pushed me and I flew away to the  cafeteria with tears, someone grabbed me by the collar and looked at me with his face close to mine.

Jake: Where are you going?

He said in a deep voice. It followed with a huff and he closed his eyes and bowed his head down to the floor.

Jake: It's them, isn't it? They keep disturbing you, I don't know why..
Mary: Cant you see it clearly? They're trying to bully me because of you!

My eyes were filled with foam of tears and I ran unconciously to the cafeteria and ate a sandwich. Kaya went up to me and gave me a cookie.

Kaya: Its them disturbing you again? Oh hell nah they aint gonna be alive tomorrow or Im-
Mary: It's okay, Kaya. No need to do so much for me. Isnt this already enough? And lending your money- Why?
Kaya: Because its you that I always think of. You know what? Movie night and popcorn tonight!
Mary: Just dont fight with Mino... shes nice.
Kaya: Ive observed that, why did she want to join then anyways?
Mary: I have no idea.

The school bell rings and my bestfriend waves at me as she goes away towards her class. My class is different, though. A class full of unbehave people and doing gossip about only... me.

In the middle of the class the people behind me were throwing paper airplanes and crumpled papers at me. The teacher didnt mind this because he was teaching and cannot let the students get distracted and loud. Our teacher does not care. All he could do is send them to detention which gives them more of a rage at me because they think its my fault. I need to go to the bathroom so I raised my hand.

Teacher: Yes, Duckson?
Mary: Eheh.. you can just call me Mary. I need to go to the bathroom, may I?
Teacher: Go on, and stop distracting the class in front.

I sighed and walked carefully towards the door and looked left. I went on a slow pace and when I reached the bathroom, there I saw them holding scissors.

Mary: Oh hello. Its you again, whats with those scissors?
Chary: Havent you figured it out already? How lame.
Mino: We shoulnt treat her like this, guys.
Chary: since youre the richest, we wont obey you because youre still not the leader. Ill make Matilda the nsxt leader.
Matilda: Lets take her now, this so boring!

They took me to somewhere private and started pulling my hair and punching me in the face. Then the worst scene of all.. they cut my hair into pieces and the beautiful strands of hair fell of from my head.. I fell onto my knees and begged for them to stop or Im telling teacher.

Mary: Stop it or Ill tell the principal.
Mino: but she is rich. You cannot underestimate her..
Chary: Just like what Mino said, nobody not a single skull can mess with me.

I went back to the classroom quiet as ever. So I quit with my school and asked the teacher if I could go home. I couldnt take it anymore!

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