Transferee Student Pt.2

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As I ran home with my lame heavy bag, It started raining. I stopped running and stood there on the sidewalk. I waited for a bus to come and I sat down with my face toward my lap. A man with a derpy hat sat down beside me. He seemingly waited for someone and saw a girl with an umbrella waving at him. He waved back and ran towards his girlfriend. I didnt care because, I never had a lover before. I saw them go into a black car and they drove away happy.

A bus came with music from India. I sighed and accepted the bus. I sat down beside a woman with a baby she is holding. I moved far from her and seemed gloomy. Until someone called me and interrupted my sadness.

It was Kaya, so concerned about what happened at school. I accepted the call and I heard her say in a deep and low voice.

Kaya: Hey... I heard about what happened at school today... are you sure about leaving school?
Mary: I dont know, Kaya but the school is not fit for me...
Kaya: Please, just stay for one more day..
Mary: One more time together, I promise we can make up to the movie tonight.
Kaya: Okay... I'll pick you up at 8 be sure to bring a few blankets.
Mary: Silly you! Why do we need blankets?
Kaya: Just incase it gets cold.
Mary: Whatever, the bus stopped now so I gotta go. Byee!

She waved goodbye and I ended the call. I lined up with one of the people and as I go down. There was the rain dropping above my head as usual.
I took out my umbrella and sobbed while walking on the sidewalk. I tripped and fell on the floor and I got up with my chin stiff and my cheeks go as hot as fire.

Woman: Oh Im so so sorry! I didnt see you on the way... I was just talking to someone on the phone here.
Mary: I-Its fine...

All the people surrounded us. My clothes were ruined and covered with mud. I was soaking wet so I hurriedly  looked for a cab.

I went inside the car at the back at the driver looked back at me confused.

Driver: What happened to you?
Mary: I tripped and fell, thats why theres mud on my face and my clothes are ruined.
Driver: Your hair looks messy, have you been abused?
Mary: its none of your concern, sir. Just keep driving.

After we arrived I gave him 30 bucks.
And he slowly took out his wallet and gave me the change. I ran towards the front door of our house and knocked.

Gina: Now who could that be?
Mary: Mom, its me! Mary.

My mom opened the door for me and saw me dripping and shivering all over.

Gina: My goodness!! What happened to you dear?

I explained everything to her even about the  cutting hair thing.

Mary: And I tried to avoid Chary and her gang but it was no use.
Gina: Ive been trying to message you for hours! Thats whats been happening at school everyday!?
Mary: Sorry I didnt tell you mom.. I just didnt want you to get worried.
Gina: Its fine.. we'll surely transfer you to another nearby school.
Mary: Christian sky can work!
Gina: are you sure you wanna walk there tomorrow? Its still your first day.
Mary: Im sure mom.. I'll help you pay the bills then. I should also get a part-time job too!
Gina: Dont do it all for me.. do it also for the sake of your health and attitude.
Mary: Momm!! Here comes your worried side noww!! Im big now dont worry!
Gina: Alright.. just dont forget not to bully people okay?

The next day...

I woke up at 5 in the morning only to see my mom waking me up so early.

Mary: Mom!! You dont need to wake me up!
Gina: Oh well I didnt think you would wake up in time. Go eat and take a shower, you stink!

As I arrived at school a lot of people looked at me and stared with an open mouth. All with widened eyes and opened mouths.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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