First Meet❓❔

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A peaceful morning for the whole world.... But not for Kim Taehyung.... People in this world wake up by alarm or by their mother's..... But Kim Taehyung is always wake up by sound of his parents fighting..... And it is happening again..... He can hear the shout of his parents from his rooms..... He sat on his bed cause he is used to this now..... He got up and went to do his morning routine.....

He walked down and the voice came clear and loud.... He signed... His parents can't just stay together without fighting.... He stepped on the last stair just to see his father running and his mother chasing him again....

"Yaah you oldie give me that chocolate back it's mine" Mrs Kim Dehyun his mother who was running behind his father Mr Kim Taemin.....

"No you are the oldie here and this chocolate is mine" He said running to save his chocolate.....


Yeah chocolate what do you think they are having some serious fight.... Naahhh they are too young for that.... As per them they still look like college going couple.... Well where's the lie??.... They are really handsome and beautiful.....

Back to story....

Tae signed knowing they won't stop this easily.... So he went to dinning room to see the breakfast on the table looks like they both were waiting for them before the fight.... So to ask them to join him he went to living room again and found it quite.... Where are they???

So they are sitting on floor Mrs Kim have a knife in her hands and Mr Kim have a ruler.... They are cutting the chocolate in two pic equally.....

How the hell are this two the owner of top jewelry company... When they can't even live without a fight.... How they work together under the same roof in the same cabin.... This question always came in tae's mind....

Yes you heard right they are the top business couple who are famous for their unique and fabulous jewelry.... They own many shops.... They are always in media.... They are even known as the perfect couple of South Korea along with the owner of hybe university and his wife.....

"Mom dad if you both are done can we have our breakfast... I am really hungry and might get late too" He said making them. Look and him they both took their piece of chocolate shoving it in their mouth.... He still can't believe why this two fight over a single chocolate when they can buy a whole factory of the most expensive chocolates....

I am not understanding it too.... Signs*

So after having breakfast he went to college..... He felt really fresh today like he felt like he will have a peaceful day....

So Tae is not a cold person only for his family and friends.... As much as he got to know about the world he thought to be cold with outside people because he know being a rich he will attract too much people towards him and he will be a sweet person they will obviously take his advantage.... His friends group think same like that.... They all knew each other because their parents are friends.... All of their parents are share holders of hybe and his parents are the main in them..... They are even friends with the hybe's owner.... But none of them had met him.....

They don't even go to official parties... Where they have to meet fake people.... So they always stay at any ones house and with have fun......

As he walked in front of the university he heard loud cheers... He maintained his cold face and walked to jin and namjoon who was standing at there usual place where namjoon seemed a little guilty and jin was trying to control his anger....

He signed knowing what could have happened....

"See this is the last time i am saying don't I repeat this don't ever put your crabs in my make up set.... Or forget you have any crabs" Jin said warning namjoon last time..... Tae stayed quite or more like tried to control his laugh seeing namjoon's face....

And then they saw two small people walking towards them arguing on something....

And here the peace was gone....

"You are just 0.1 centimeters taller than me so you are short too" Jimin said....

"Ohh but still it's taller " Yoongi said....

"Ohh please i won't believe you" Jimin said flipping his imaginary hair.....

"Huh like I care " Yoongi said they finally reached to others

Tae literally think some times why he is stuck with this two couple....

They all started to walk to their class...

"You know today a transfer student is joining and he is poor" Jimin told everyone.....

"Ohh poor boy he will surly get bullied" Jin said.... They all parted their ways and went to their own classes....

Tae sat near the window which was his usual seat he don't allow any one to sit beside him because either they will seduce him or they will flirt with him.....

All the girls were looking at him like they will eat him but he just ignored all of them....

The class went quite when the teacher walked inside a boy was trailing behind her.... She cleared her throat....

"So class we a new student with us today let's welcome him" She said and gestured the boy to introduce himself....

"Hello everyone... I am Jungkook... I hope we will become friends" He said bowing but the whole class just ignored him....

"Jungkook go sit beside taehyung.... Taehyung raise your hand" He looked in the class and saw a raised hand he walked there and sat on the seat....

He turned to greet his seatmate....

"Hello I am jungkook" He smiled showing his bunny teeths.... Tae stared at him and nodded...

"Hii kim taehyung" He also introduced himself kook nodded and pulled his book and startes to copy what teacher was writing....

"The board is in front" Jungkook suddenly spoke still writing...

Tae got confused and said "huh? "

"The board is in in front stare there" Kook said now facing tae with a grinning face.... Tae immediately looked at board cursing himself for staring at kook for so long.... But it is not his fault the doe eyes of other are so mesmerizing that he got lost in them.... The boy who was sitting beside him has something different from others.... Something which was pulling Tae toward him...


To be continue.....

Tell me how it was.... This is new to me as it is top Tae but for my readers I will try to give my best....

Do vote....

And do you all noticed something here tell me if you did....

Till than

Thanks for reading....

Stay tuned cutiessss


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