Revealing the truth

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One month later.....

It's been a month after their hot session..... After that kook often have to help his husband as he was becoming horny.... Very much.....

Right now both were sleeping it was already 8 in morning but they slept late because of another help by kook....

They are supposed to get ready till 10 as it is their graduation today.....

Yeah their exams are over and today they all are getting graduated..... And there one more thing kook is going to reveal his real identity.....

The bullies who were bulling poor students get warned and some pervert's got suspended too...... Thanks to our kook.....

Kook shuffled a little and again slept.... Because of his movements Tae woke up.... He blinked his eyes... And the first thing he saw was kook's exposed waist..... His t shirt was lifted a little..... Tae started at it and was trying not to touch it but he was his husband so he slowly took his hand and placed it on kook's soft skin......

He started to move his fingers feeling the soft milky skin....

"Hmmm" Kook moaned by the touch.... Which was making Tae to feel sometimes getting hard.....

He squeezed the soft skin which made kook to open his eyes... "Ummm what are you doing" He asked looking to Tae who was smiling sheepishly......

"Caressing what's mine" He said running his hand from kook's waist to his soft tummy.... And putting his fingers in others belly button....

"Don't... D-o this we a-re get-getting late" Kook said breathing heavily as his husband was pushing his fingers in his belly button.....

"Naah it feel like I wanna touch is from inside" Tae spoke.....

'Knock knock'.....

"Yaah you horny kids stop whatever you are doing and be ready you will get late" Mrs kim said.....

Both looked at clock and went to get ready of course separately.....


Both were now seated on their seats besides their hyungs.... Mr and Mrs kim were sitting in front along with their friends...... While Mr and Mrs jeon were on stage.....

"Hello everyone.... We are happy to tell you all that you all are starting your new life.... And feel glad to have students like all of you.... As the owner of the university I am very thankful for being a part of here.... And you a know that I have two sons which were not in the spotlight yet but I will be proud to introduce you all to them......

Please welcome my elder son.... Jeon Junghyun and his wife Jeon Lisa"Mr jeon said all the people clapped their hands..... The younger jeon couple came inside the hall.... Bowing and sat on their chairs besides Mrs jeon.....

Kook looked at Tae and he gave an assuring smile because it was time for them to reveal his identity......

"And now my youngest son.... Who is among you all.... He was here from a long time but none of you knew..... " Mr jeon said all the people had their eyes wide.... The owner's son was living between them.....

"So please welcome.... My younger son  Jeon Kim Jungkook" Kook stood from his seat and started to walk except Tae all the peoples jaw dropped along with their hyungs who didn't knew about this too.....

"Hello everyone I know you all are shocked but it was necessary for me to hide my identity and see how you people will treat me and I am really disappointed to say this you all failed.... You all ignored me Or bullied me seeing I am a poor.... I hope from now your thoughts will change" Kook said and bowed but stood there only.....

Mr Jeon smiled

"And now let me introduce you to my son in law with whom my son got married some months ago..... Please welcome my son's beloved husband Kim taehyung" He said and again others jaw dropped except of their hyungs... But Tae was surprised too... He didn't knew that this was going to reveal too....

When he looked at kook he found the bunny smile which made him smile too.....
He stood up and went to stage.... Stood beside kook.... After pecking his forehead....

Some students cooed at them.... Some adored them.... And some were burning from jealousy.... But no one cared.....

"They both got married secretly.... So for my close people we are arranging a reception party tomorrow for all of you... So please come" Mr Jeon said....

After everything thing and photoshoot they all left for their house.....


Next day.....

In evening the party was held were Tae and kook exchanged their rings and became official couple.....

All the couples danced after taekook....

The media was invited to capture their precious moments along with photographs....

Tae kissed kook in front of everyone claiming his koo.....

To be continue....

I know this chapter was short... Sorry for that but I don't know what to write..... Next chapter will be the last chapter of this book.....

I am really sorry for ending it short but this was all I thought for this story....

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Stay tuned cutiesssssss


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