Poor Massimo- funny scene

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I really don't remember which chapter this covered but this is definitely not in book III. Anyways, enjoy.


Sophia BARGED inside the room, throwing the door off of it's hinges when she stood at the foot of the bed with her arms crossed, glaring at me, her bit of a swollen stomach visible when she asked me in a shrieky loud voice, "Whyyyyy did you eat my biscuits?"

I literally forgot my mobile for a minute and the mail that I was reading when I honestly replied, "I didn't."

"You did."

"Baby, I didn't-"

She growled in a dark voice, the aura around her going dangerous and the air turning hotter than humidity, "Alessandro."

My cock twitched in my sweats and I felt blood rushing to my lower regions as butterflies erupted in my lower stomach and heart when I grinned, "Damn, my name should have been Alessandro, no?"

She started crying a bit when she sat on the bed and whined, "Ashtonnnnn, my biscuitssssss."

"Honey, I didn't-"

"Why do I still think a fat ass like you ate them?"

I felt offended when I glared at her, "I haven't had biscuits since I was, I guess, nine years old and-"

Sophia's eyes widened when she gasped and looked at me, her voice coming out as a shriek again, "Whyyyyy haven't you had biscuits?"

And my mind exploded, "Sof, you literally scolded me and accused me for having your biscuits and here you are asking me why I haven't eaten them? Decide what you want to do with life."

She retorted, "Fuck you over with a truck."

And I replied even heatedly, "Excuse me?"

She moved her legs back and forth as a crying baby and made a whiny noise, "Obviously I didn't mean my biscuits BUT ASHTON, MY BISCUITSSSSSSS!"

I mentally slapped myself on the forehead when I rested back in bed, turning on my phone again, "Massimo ate them."

She scowled at me, "And why would he?"

"Go ask him. He told me not to tell you but there is a limit till which I can control myself with a hormonal, pregnant woman-"

"You are literally insulting me."

I FELT LIKE THE GROUND OPENING UP AND SWALLOWING ME WHEN I GROANED, "Sof, my baby, my cute little baby, Massimo had your biscuits, behead him if you want, take out his intestines if you want, shoot him in the groin if you want, but please, for God's sake, for the love of God," I dropped my phone on the bed and joined both of my hands together, palm to palm when I bowed my head, "spare me. Get the fuck out and spare my ass, you woman."

She huffed and got up, "Massimo huh. That sAlfish man, ignorant, rude, egotistical, ASHTON NUMBER TWO!" and she left the room when with my eyebrows raised, I slumped back in bed wondering how the fuck would I spend the rest of those months with her if this kept on going.


I was making a paper plane for Aurelius, sitting on the bed as he was looking at me in awe, his eyes focused on my hands shifting the paper in different directions, his cheeks puffed out and mouth slightly open in awe when I felt immense, never ending love for my son when THE DOOR BANGED OPEN and Sophia walked inside. Coming to the foot of the bed, she lifted her leg with a harsh tug, the shoe flying off when she held the slipper in her hand and threatened me, "Were you that hungry, you ignorant, inconsiderate, homeless sAlfish person?"

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