Enough is fucking enough!

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Adding this here again since many readers here do not have the decency to convey their message, and many don't have the eyesight to actually read what's written, nor do they have the brain power to understand. I pity you.

I continued writing despite that cheating bastard copying my entire work and making money out of it. Why? Because I wanted YOU guys to read since many couldn't afford and many couldn't buy it. I still fucking completed because of people here. Now the thing is, grow the fuck up. I have been silent for too long, and wouldn't be any further. There is a limit till which you can harass me, whether it be in the comments, or my dms, or going to my insta and doing this shit or emailing me. Stop it now. Enough is bloody enough.

I started this book here 2 years ago, I continued my work DESPITE an indecent mf copying my work. Why? Because many people here couldn't buy and the story was almost complete, so what did I do? I combined 5 chapters all at once and posted them as one chapter, so that you could quickly read and enjoy. I did provide.

Now many readers are new here, and all they are doing is whining and crying that they need the book. Look buddies, I'll be straight with you. I am done being all sweet and respectful towards you. If I am the author, that does NOT mean that you can cross all fucking boundaries and disrespect me. I wouldn't fucking tolerate that. People who love my book and can't afford? Their messages told me who respected me and who didn't. And for people who don't? I pity the families you grew up in and I pity either your mum treating your dad that way, or the other way round. I really pity you and your future partners who would have to deal with a toxic person like you.

If you wanted the book that badly? You could have come here 2 years ago. I wouldn't fucking wait, neither does time wait. Learn to deal with it. I have already marked this book as completed, and have announced that it's on Amazon. I worked so fucking hard on this book, I literally froze my university semester for this, you think it's easy? You think it's bloody okay to have no fucking job, no source of earning and staying at home for a whole fucking year, keeping everything at risk just to write books. Do you really think it's so fucking easy?

I didn't start writing to earn. I truly didn't. But when people started loving, many reached out and said that they needed physical copies. And so? When I was done with all, I decided to publish on Amazon. Amazon makes us sign a contract where we have to take down our book from everywhere. Not even Apple books. I couldn't post the whole fucking story here. So? The first 5 are up to give you a hint as to how the book is. Stop whining and crying over it.

I would like to give you an open challenge and document it so that I can see that you have been fair. Work day and night on a project, stop your education for a year, spend your own collected pocket money for all the bills and taxes and watch your fucking bank go empty while you have no job or anything. Keep working on your project for 2 fucking years.

And then?

Throw it on the road. Watch some other person take it, make copies of it, sell it and earn. And then? I need you to stay quiet and walk away because? Apparently, that's what you expect me to do.

I have other books which are still on going. They will be there until finished. You want to read? Sure. You don't want to read? Fine by me as I need authentic readers.

Stop harassing me again and fucking again. I need to pay my fucking bills, I need to clear uni, get a job and live life. Wattpad doesn't pay me shit, you certainly don't pay me shit. A lot of hours go behind writing and what not, you being nothing but keyboard warriors, should learn to grow up, be mature and act practical.

I cannot sit and just write write write free for you guys as my life crumples to pieces. Because of writing and freezing my semester, God knows what I went through. I lost way to one of the universities I wanted to go in so bad. It still kills me till date, and I know it will for the rest of my life. My life got affected, yours didn't. So? Shut it and think before you speak. I've had enough of you.

Tmahlq is finished and is on Amazon. You want to read, amazing. It is there as paperback, as well as e-book, as well as on KU. You don't want to read? Bro, fine by me. YOU aren't going to help me survive, God will. I don't need your help, I need God. Day to you. Not a good day cuz let karma sort that shit out for you.

There are authors here who literally stopped midway and decided to publish. At least I did complete here. Your bad that you came late. Stay in your limits. Me being lenient does not mean that you cross your boundaries. I know when and how to show whose place belongs where. Mind it.

Just incase it wasn't clear? Don't piss me off more.


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