Chapter One: Saruto and Maketo Uzumaki

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"Hurry, hurry!" A woman with long black hair and glasses whisperingly ushered two teen boys to run faster as the looming night sky turned dark from a cloud covering the moon. Further behind them was a man with golden hair and blue orbs for eyes that jerked around, searching for anything he should be worried about.

They ran as silently as they could, nothing able to cover their footsteps other than the grasshoppers that somehow survived all this time. The family of four dipped in and out of the few, crumbling buildings that could somewhat cover them, though Konoha was mostly destroyed and the few buildings still standing had holes meters in width and height, easy spy holes for enemies stalking their prey.

Eventually they reach their destination, an open field that was scorched, but had a fabric ceiling; a perfect cover. The father, named Boruto Uzumaki, took out a scroll and wrote on it, shaking as he uttered a single sentence; "Momoshiki, lend me your abilities, one last time." He finished writing, his ink turning red and his paper falling to the ground.

"Finally." The woman beside him, Sarada Uchiha, sighs with relief as the scroll hits the floor and starts to emit a bit of light. "We can actually esca-." BANG. A loud explosion rings out right next to the four, sending debris and flames spiraling everywhere. "Get down!" Boruto and Sarada barked at the two children, named Saruto and Maketo Uzumaki.

Saruto and Maketo hit the ground quickly, the older Saruto grasping onto the younger blonde in an attempt to shield him from the incoming shrapnel. Boruto cursed under his breath and let the otsusuki chakra flow through his veins, a horn protruding through the right side of his forehead, accompanied by several light blue lines and a white right eye appearing on his face.

A tornado of darkness slowly fell upon them, blackening out the already dark sky. "Boruto." It spoke, its icy voice smooth, like silk laced with venom. "You've ran far, and for a long time. But I'm getting tired of this game, child. Why don't you give up and let me cure this world of its impurity."

'Damn, no time!' Boruto thought and shot back a glance at Sarada, whom activated her Sharingan. "Hold him off." She nodded. Boruto leapt through the air and ignited a blue ball of chakra in his hand. "Rasengan!" He shouts, blasting through the thick curtain of blackness.

"How many times must we do this?" The irritated voice growled, the darkness dispersing and a figure breaking through Boruto's defenses, cracking several ribs and sending Boruto flying into the dirt. Sarada ran to her husbands side and started to heal his wounds, focusing deep and gathering enough chakra to pull off what she was about to do.

'Mangekyou Sharingan!' She activated, a bit of blood pooling from her eyes. "Holy chain!" She extended her arm and aimed it at the figure, several steel chains sprouting from the barren ground and wrapping around the figure. She squeezed with all her might, until poof! He was gone in a cloud of smoke.

'A shadow clone!' She mentally cursed. 'Than he's,' she hastily tuned around and looked up, only given a second to notice an incoming attack before she's hit with it, blasting a crater into the ground and shaking the earth itself.

"Mom!" Both of the boys cry out. "Damned brats." The figure scoffed and aimed his next attack at the siblings. Suddenly, a loud explosion sends him flying back, Boruto having landed a rasengan on him. "Get to the scroll!" He orders and rushes to meet the figure again.

Sarada runs and picks up both of her children, quickly trying to get away. "Mom! Let us down, we can help!" Saruto says, activating his two tomoe Sharingan, while Maketo activated his byakugan. "Your father can handle this!" Sarada exclaims, though she knew that Boruto absolutely could not handle this.

The scrolls red ink was slowly fading back to black, stressing Sarada out even more. 'Dammit, we don't have enough time!' She cursed and placed her kids down. "Stay here, and under no circumstances approach him! You have to live!" She ordered in her usual motherly tone, waiting for them to node before she went back to help.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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