Bryan .6

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She had done it again.

Granted, this time she wasn't at her house and there weren't any dead bodies, but Campbell was being called to yet another crime scene where Angelica Foster was the main witness/victim.

He was hoping this wasn't going to become a pattern but he had a feeling that it was.

The woman was clearly trouble.

She was standing by the door of the shop, guitar in one hand, other hand on the strap to her purse. She kept looking around at all the faces passing by, seeming altogether too interested in leaving.

Sort of like she was worried they were going to charge her with something.

Campbell looked everything over, cleared the EMTs to take Davroe, before heading back to her. It didn't look like this was a robbery in any sense of the form, but he also couldn't see how Davroe had managed to fall.

Especially since the fall seemed to have broken bones, or at the very least dislocated his shoulder.

"Well, well, Miss Foster, I'm starting to see a pattern."

"I would scarcely call this a pattern," she said with a scoff but when she caught the glare on his face her eyebrows furrowed in surprise. "I didn't find him in the basement, I mean... he just... fell."

And he would be totally inclined to believe that, except something in his gut told him that that wasn't true. In fact, being around Angelica Foster gave him the heebie-jeebies. Like he was always being watched, except the feeling seemed to follow her around.

"Why didn't you call the cops, or an ambulance, or something, once he fell?"

"Well... I was going to but... I mean you guys came pretty quick considering. Nothing else to do around here huh?"

Yes Fort Talesas was usually quiet but that was not the point right now.

"Right, so you were just checking on him?"

"Well... yeah..." she said with a shrug. "Man fell right in front of me, what were you expecting me to do? Faint?"

No, but Campbell could tell that she was holding something back. Her eyes kept darting around the store, every time a shadow moved her eyes would move. She was awfully jumpy for someone who just witnessed a fall. And she didn't seem to believe her own story. Why was that?

"Look... am I in trouble or something? Do you think I attacked him? Or tried to rob him?"

"No," he said honestly, because that was true. She had already been up front about the situation. How she was there to pick up the clock she asked to be fixed, and that she had wanted to buy the guitar. Was going to teach herself out to play.

Davroe had climbed up onto his little step stool to bring down some of the instructional books he had on the top shelf and he slipped and fell.

And again, that would have been totally believable if his gut wasn't tell him that she was lying.

Still, she was right. There was nothing in the evidence or in the shop that would suggest this was foul play of any kind.

Especially since she had the receipt for the two items she had on her person. Not an electronic one, of course, because she paid in cash, but it was written up on one of the pawnshop's tickets, with Cooper's writing and a big red stamp of PAID on it. They had checked too, she had nothing else except for the guitar in her hand, and the clock somewhere in her purse.

"No I suppose not," he said after regarding her silently for a moment. "But this is still an ongoing investigation, so don't leave town."

"What if I need to go to the next town for the Walmart?"

She hit him with this playful smirk but he was not amused.

"You know what I meant, Miss Foster," he growled not appreciating the sass she was throwing at him at that moment.

She nodded quickly. "Yes. I absolutely promise to not skip town while you investigate. Can I go now?"

He gave her the a-okay to leave and then turnedback to the shot, grateful that that feeling of apprehension left when she did.

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