chapter nineteen

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Rory knocked on Steve's door in an impatient fluster as she looked around into the dark night around her. She'd dressed hastily in jeans too big for her, a top too small and a jacket pulled over her, boots shoved on her feet. Her breath could be seen making shapes before her eyes and she waited, laden with promises of mistakes.

The door opened after two minutes and she saw Steve standing there in an tarnished T-shirt and flannel pants. He looked tired, hair slightly messed but more than anything he looked surprised to see her.

"You hung up the phone" Steve spoke simply.

"Well I couldn't call you on the way here could I?" Rory spoke coldly, "let me in it's freezing"

"Sorry" he opened the door and let her walk inside. As soon as it clicked shut she seemed to realise what she'd done. She thought of her brother asleep in his bed, the small goodnight he'd shown her and the way he hadn't disappeared into his bedroom upon arriving home but then she turned and saw Steve watching her and it was too much for her to bear. She was truly possessed by the very idea of him and it was taking over her mind.

"No one has to know" Steve stated,

"God you drive me insane" Rory cursed under her breath but then she'd stepped forwards, grabbing his face and pulling him towards her. Their lips connected in a tangle of desperation and Rory felt she may never learn to kiss differently again. He moved his lips against hers, grabbing her waist to pull her close until their bodies collided, she was tall enough that it was easy, noses poking into the others face, tongues brushing together with the soft clattering of teeth.

Steve moved back for a second, ducking his head and kissing the side of her neck. He seemed to like doing that, Rory wasn't aware that it was because he'd been imagining doing nothing else since he'd seen the small love bites pressed into her skin from Eddie's prying lips. He pushed the jacket off her back and didn't care where it ended up. She clutched at his shoulders squeezing into his skin through the shirt, creased with her fingertips more shadowed than the rooms around them.

"Come on" Steve turned, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the stairs. Rory didn't have much time to think it through and maybe if she had she would've tried to be better but she was Rory Henderson not a saint and Steve Harrington was a goddamn angel. He was everything she wanted in a package of tight jeans and polo shirts, what she desired in styled hair and spearmint chewing gum. It didn't matter anymore, her head was spinning, her lips we tingling.

He opened his door, his bed was messed up from the tribulations of lost sleep. Steve shut his door and pushed her to sit on the edge of the bed. Rory watched the way his eyes seemed to hold more than burning need, a soft sense of admiration. She didn't know what do to with that. Steve stared down at her for merely a second before he was holding her shoulders and leaning to kiss her again, his hair touched her forehead before she felt the bed press into her spine.

Steve was all over her even when he wasn't. Rory tried to kick the boots of her feet as he kissed her jaw and the sides of her face. Steve was so soft it was immeasurable. The leather of her doc martens landed on the carpet with quiet thuds but Steve didn't stop. He bit on the side of her neck very gently and Rory found her fingers in his hair. It was like touching silk, so much softer than she'd imagined it ever could be.

"Steve" she whispered,

"It's okay" Steve replied, kissing the space behind her ear carefully, "it's gonna be okay, just let me take care of you"

Rory would've done anything for him in that moment. It's as though he'd seen inside her mind, looked at exactly what she needed to hear in the tendrils of desire. Rory could've stopped right there and still left with a hammering heart and a sense of satisfaction but she didn't. Of course she didn't.

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