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Okay, so I know that I have like 8+ ongoing stories already, which all have slow updates but don't blame me, blame my brain for giving me ideas, and people for giving me inspiration. And, I'm gonna try give updates of this often instead of just keeping it on hold or giving it slow updates, like I've done with all my other stories.

Anyways, this story is on the current track, but starts during Prachi & Riya's dance competition. Abhigya will be side-lined for most of the story, considering they won't play an important role in Pranbir's life.

Here's the crappy description I could think of:

Prachi has tried desperately to gain Pallavi's trust, and love but her plans are always thwarted by Riya. What if Pallavi caught covid and was seriously ill?

Riya starts to avoid Pallavi, with fear of catching the disease but will this be enough for Pallavi to realise her mistakes?

I'll update soon, and can anyone think of a better shorter title? 

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