Chapter 1: Her and The Bastard

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Hey all, Tobias here long time no see I suppose!

It's been a little while since I've published something but I had a bit of a idea that came out as a full-fledged story and decided to share it.

I found myself pondering on the idea of 'Found Family' when I started writing this and ended up having fun while doing it.

This story will be deviating from the canon pretty majorly so quick warning here.

I'll keep it brief but first shout out to Ground Spirit Minerva for the wonderful art used in the cover go check them out!

Also as always I do not own My Hero Academia, but I do enjoy writing for it.

Thank you again for reading and I hope you enjoy.


Wind whipped violently past the ears of Katsuki Bakugo as he fell through the sky.

His reflection wavering next to him in the glass of the skyscraper he was falling beside.

His red eyes squinted from behind the eye holes of his makeshift mask while he folded his arms inward to pick up speed in his fall.

His current goal was directly in front of him he just needed to get a little closer. 

The sound of a screaming child became louder as the ash blonde got closer to her.

He was running out of time with every second he didn’t reach her the ground came closer to claiming her.

He winced at the pain that was shooting through his left arm ignoring its bleeding as he fell only focusing on the blonde girl he was falling closer to. 

"My hand! Grab it brat!" 

Katsuki roared through the air while the scared girl looked toward the blonde as they were falling.

She squeezed her eyes shut before reaching her hand out as far as it could while the hero in training reached as well.

Their fingertips were barely brushing past each other as Katsuki gritted his teeth trying harder to reach, nearly grabbing the girl's hand...


A blonde stared at the ceiling of his classroom while the chattering of his classmates filled his ears as he wasn’t really focusing on them in particular. 

Instead he was focusing on his own internal conflict.

He was focusing on the fact that he was a week into his internship with one of the top heroes of Japan and the only thing he managed to get done was get his hair combed and add jeans to his costume. 

Katsuki huffed thinking about the taller blonde covered in denim up to neck chastising him while styling his hair in ridiculous styles without his say so.

It was frustrating. 

It was humiliating, while the rest of the extras were all doing things to at least get them some experience and train their quirks.

He was busy getting etiquette lessons and the history of skinny jeans. 

Deku was probably taking this time to catch up…

In just that first week he already managed to use that quirk of his without breaking every bone in his body, he was keeping up with a few of his classmates with ease. 

Hell, if he wasn't a complete dumbass the nerd would have won. 

This bothered him a lot, the more he sat on his ass doing nothing but screwing around the more that he was going to have to witness the nerd standing next to him.

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