Chapter 2: Home

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Katsuki sat at the table in front of two other individuals as he looked off to the side trying not to make eye contact while Anzu stayed quiet looking down at the table she was sitting at tapping on it with her fingers. 

A woman groaned as she ran her hands through her hair while the man beside her waved his hand a little at the little girl with a bright smile on his face causing Anzu to smile back toward him. 

"You knew we were going to have to talk about this sooner or later brat… So spill it." 

The woman said while Katsuki huffed.

A part of him being to stubborn to say something while another part of him had no idea what to say to even start.

"Honey, maybe we should give him a little more time… He's obviously really nervous and so is the girl. Maybe he'll open up better with some more time to prepare." 

The older man said as the blonde woman narrowed her eyes at the brown haired man causing him to shut up while her red eyes met Katsuki’s again. 

"It's been a week, Masaru, that's plenty of time. Now spill brat from the beginning. Starting from the girl you knocked up." 

The woman said, causing both Katsuki and Masaru to do spit takes while Anzu looked at Katsuki with confusion.

"Knocked up? Did you hit someone Kat?"

Anzu asked while Masaru immediately stood up from his seat grabbing the girl's hand. 

"Hey, let grandpa show you around the garden in the backyard!" 

Masaru said to the confused Anzu as he lead the girl out of the kitchen they were sitting in causing the blonde woman to fume.

"Don't just start calling yourself Grandpa you idiot!"

The woman yelled while Masaru just smiled at the smaller blonde closing the door behind them as they exited. 

"That bastard. Now quit stalling brat." 

The woman said while Katsuki huffed looking back at the red eyed woman.

Mitsuki Bakugo needless to say his mother also resident wild card outside of himself. 

The famous fashion designer narrowed her eyes at Katsuki causing the boy to huff at her.

"You really shouldn't say things like that around a kid."

Katsuki said the realization of how hypocritical the words that came from his mouth hit both of them as Mitsuki sighed out a sarcastic laugh. 

"You of all people didn't just say that! I'm surprised that girl didn't cuss us out thinking it was a form of greeting being around you! Also I used the words knocked up instead of fucked as much as I wanted to. Now stop stalling." 

Mitsuki said with a growl while Katsuki went to start speaking but Mitsuki sighed looking at the boy as she stood up.

"You said she was 5? Katsuki, that means you had to have been 11 when she was born! First off, how in the hell did you manage to hide that? Second off I'm pretty sure you were sexual attracted to being a pain in the ass with how much you love being one, third off why in the hell didn't you bring the poor girl who had to harbor your progeny to break the news together!?" 

Mitsuki asked, beginning a tangent as Katsuki looked at the woman.

"You're making assumptions!"

Katsuki said while Mitsuki gave him a look like he was crazy. 

"Assumptions?! You came into my house at 3pm last week riddled with bullet holes and a little girl, with the audacity to try to sneak around like I couldn't smell how hurt you were from the other room! The hell am I supposed to think!?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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