Chapter 4: Memories

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It had been a few minutes now that he was lying in his brother's arms, the overprotective sibling still not recovered from the previous incident was holding a cold and wet Chris close to him. Martin looked down at him with sad eyes, then placed a hand on his forehead.

It was burning?!

He was shocked.

Now it all made sense, and he felt stupid for not figuring it out much earlier: Chris was sick.

He was very unhappy with himself, but right now he needed to get his brother back to home base in order to receive proper medical attention. He gently lay his brother on the grass then reached to his pocket for his creature pod to call the Tortuga...but couldn't find it. He must've dropped it in the stream while rescuing Chris. His eyes widened as panic started overtaking him. He decided to go for Chris' creature pod, only to find out that it was damaged by the water.

The poor Kratt was lost in thought, when suddenly something in the sky caught his eyes. Black clouds were forming and this could only mean one thing.

"Oh, man..." Martin let out, overwhelmed by the sudden change of events, and he was worried for Chris. To recapitulate, he was lost in the rainforest of Borneo, with an unconscious, wet and sick brother. He didn't know where the way back to the ship was, and a storm was coming right at them.

"No, no, no... This is bad, what do I do?" He paced around, then stopped and took a deep breath in an attempt to regain himself.

"Sighs, alright, first things first, I gotta find shelter." He wasn't about to let his brother down, let alone leave him out in the rain. Chris was already soaked which was bad enough to make his condition worse, he had to get him somewhere safe and warm until they could find their way back to the Tortuga.

Martin looked around for a bit before spotting something in the distance. A cave!

"Perfect," he whispered to himself. He then turned to his brother who was still lying on the ground, he picked up a bag that contained adventure supply then went over and knelt beside Chris before shaking him awake.

"Chris. Hey, bro, c'mon wake up." He tried to sound as calm and gentle as he could.

The Kratt in green moaned a little before slowly half-opening his eyes, making eye contact with his older brother.

"Martin? Wh-What happen-" His achy throat kept him from talking clearly.

"Shh... It's alright bro, I'm here." Chris looked at him with pain in his eyes, he then let out a few caughs before he started to shiver. Martin noticed this immediately, then instinctively took off his sweater to put it around his brother's shoulders. He sat up groaning as a wave of dizziness hit him.

"You alright, bro?" Martin asked, concern painting his face.

"Uhm," Chris nodded his head, unable to use words due to the extreme exhaustion he was going through.

"Listen bro, we gotta get to that cave over there," he pointed to the mentioned emplacement.

"I can't contact the crew and a storm's coming, you think you can walk?" That last sentence was filled with hopefulness.

Chris stared at his brother for a moment, processing what he just told him while in a daze, then responded, "I'll try." His croacky voice could make anyone's heart melt.

Slowly but surely, Chris got up from the ground with his brother's help, finding it hard to stand without any support. Martin was still perturbed about Chris' uneasiness.

"You sure you can handle yourself?" He was hesitant about allowing his brother to exert himself.

"Sure I can." With a shaky voice, Chris reassured his older brother, his arms wrapped around him for support.

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