intro // alone again . .

830 23 3

" take off. . my disguise "

we open on the fair scene of los angeles, residence to many. home to few. home to y/n. long time residence of abel tesfaye. though he hopes not permanent, or he thinks he hopes.

the night is much like many others, abel and y/n are at his mansion residing in the hills that over look the city of angels. abel is tending to his sorrow with the help of his best friend. she's trying her best to help. she's trying her best to sober up to help, she wishes his lamentable mood announced itself before both of their noses had cozied up to the lines of white amongst many other things that kept them company late at night..

"i don't know...i don't want to fuck this up again. i really don't. i don't wanna be this guy anymore y/n. i don't want to."

she straightens up in her seat on the couch, she feels nothing but sympathy. and routine. this is abel. remorse and all. though she believes he's capable of change...she's sometimes just as scared as him that it'll never actually come. "talk to her. take all those other bitches out of your phone and really talk to her. take her serious this time Abel..i don't wanna see you relive the same heartbreak again either. you can straighten up your act..we both can."

abel doesn't respond. him and the drugs on his table stare amicably, he thinks. but his face is anything but happy as he sits there paralyzed with the option right in front of him. his phone lays mere inches away from the dime bags littering his restored coffee table from the 70's. he leans up in his seat too, as if to grab something off the table but he stops. and he doesn't move an inch.

despite his lack of response to her, y/n knows he heard what she said and she knows he completely took it in. she can see the strain of the mental argument he's having with himself on his face. his eyes flick back n' forth between phone and vice. it's still two vices, depending what he does.

her eyes flick between him and the objects. she grabs his phone and puts it on his thigh. "call her, or i done with all this now abel. i love you. she loves you."

he stares blankly and nods. and she watches him as he dials the model. once, twice, and a third time...

she starts to get nervous. "she might be asleep's 2am."

he stands up, shaking his head as he dials her again. "that's how i know she's awake y/n. she's always fucking awake at this time." he paces around the room slowly, stumbling every couple of steps.

the call rings out again with no answer. he slams his phone down on the glass of the table. he walks back and forth...back and forth...back and...

"it's late." she shakes her head. "you said she's always up- maybe she's busy? give her a call again in a bit. come sit with me."

he scoffs "yeah...busy..."

he sits next to her, glaring at his phone for a few minutes longer before reaching for one of the dime bags. y/n beats him to it and picks all of them up. "don't." she says firmly.

"hey- why don't you wipe your nose and stop being a fucking hypocrite alright?"

"how much longer we gonna do this shit huh? 2 years? 3? 5? 10? 20 if we love that long? don't you wanna be happy?"

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