Chapter 6: Concert Preparations...

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November 21, 2022

The next day Daniel wakes up and gets up to shower, then goes downstairs and has a glass of juice from the fridge, when his mom goes into the kitchen to tell him something important.

Mom: Hello son, how did you wake up?

Daniel: Good and your mom.

Mom: Fine, but I have something to tell you, it's very important, and it's that... you won't be able to go to Mexico with me this year... you don't have a VISA and your passport is still valid, but you won't be able to go again, then you're going to have to stay here...

Daniel: Okay mom, I expected it, don't worry, but I can do whatever I want??

Mom: Yes!!, but you know what to invite girls or boys no!! and you know and no parties here at home, if you want to go to a party you can go, but leave the house well closed, ok?

Daniel: Yes! Well, Mom, I have to go because she's getting late.

Mom: Ok son, do you take everything?
Daniel: Yes!!, good son, good luck to you, take care of yourself!!.

Daniel starts the car and goes to the high school, he arrives and when he arrives he goes to the auditorium to prepare everything, after about 3 minutes, Valeria suddenly arrives.

Valeria: Hello love, how are you?

Daniel: Fine and you??

Valeria: Yes, hey... what's wrong with you?

Daniel: Nothing, just that I feel strange.

Valeria: It could be that you are nervous, because of the concert, by the way, today you were going to show Armando the outfits, right?

Daniel: YES!, you know where it is!!.

Valeria: Yes, he's in the office, but he's coming.

Daniel: Oh okay.

A minute later Armando arrives along with Ángel, Daniel becomes jealous again.

Daniel's mind: Why did he have to come?!!.

Armando and Angel approach Daniel and Armando starts to tell Daniel.

Armando: Hi Daniel, what's up?

Daniel: Nothing, oh! by the way and I have the clothing outfits!.

Armando: Will you show me?

Daniel: YES!!, he looks..

Daniel shows Armando a white suit with a black bandana with white figures, and Daniel shows him a black suit with a white bandana with black figures.

Armando: Wow! I like it, I love it, the suit suits you very well, really thank you very much!!.

Daniel: You're welcome!

Angel: And if other colors are better, for example your Daniel in blue, and Armando in Green? Green is my favorite color.

Daniel's mind: WHAT!!!, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING??!!.

Daniel: Ah...I don't know...I'm not convinced apart from the fact that to get the green, I have to go to other cities and it's very difficult.

Armando: YES!! love, it is very difficult to get the fabrics here, here you have to go to another city to get them.

Angel: Yes have to go, I have a meeting of my school in another city and I have to go bye.

Ángel says goodbye to Armando, since he has some things to do in another part of the city.

Armando: Hey amm...the suits look good on you, ok? I really like mine, you never have to regret what you feel, always be yourself, ok?

Daniel: Thank you very much Armando...

Then the teacher arrives and speaks to Armando and Daniel.

Teacher: Very well Armed, how is it going with "We Belong Together"?

Armando: I'm doing fine, sir, I just have to fine-tune a few things.

Teacher: Remember that you have to tune the whole song, you only have this week to do it so start practicing, and you, Daniel, how are you doing?

Daniel: I'm doing very well sir, I'm just practicing and even sounding better than before.

Teacher: Very good, then you have to practice.

Daniel and Armando go to practice, they spend two hours practicing, after those two hours they all go to their classroom,

Daniel and Armando sit together in the cafeteria, this time it is their first time sitting together, since Armando should to be with the seniors, and Daniel with the freshmen.

Armando starts talking with Daniel.

Armando: Hello Daniel, apparently he had to sit us down together.

Daniel: Yes!! apparently we had to be together!!

Armando: Yes, hey, I wanted to tell you that if you need something that I can help you with, I'm here, ok?

Daniel: Yes... thank you very much.After several days Armando and Daniel practicing, Saturday arrives.

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