Chapter 22: I forgive you...

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Several days go by and now it's

January 9, 2023

It's the first day of school after winter break.

Daniel enters the high school and runs into Valeria and Armando.

Daniel: Oh! Hi guys..

Armando: Hello bro, how have you been?

Daniel: Well, how are you doing?

Armando: I'd better continue with some pain, but it's normal.

Daniel: Oh very well.

Valeria: What are you doing?

Daniel: Nothing, are you ready for the next concert?

Valeria leaves and leaves Daniel and Armando behind.

Armando: Hey, I wanted to tell you if you would forgive me?

Daniel: About what?

Armando: About how he acted, how he treated you.

Daniel: No, I was the one who didn't understand you.

Armando: I wanted to tell you if you wanted to go to the Valentine's dance with me?

Daniel: Sure! Why not?

Armando: Ok, so I can't drive, but they're going to bring me, do you have transportation?

Daniel: No, don't worry, I'll come in the car, if you want I'll pick you up.

Armando: Could you?

Daniel: Yes, if I can, then I would pick you up at 8:10 PM, do you think?

Armando: Yes!!, Thank you!!.

They prepare for the concert.And they start to sing.


" Bidi Bidi Bom Bom

Bidi Bidi Bom Bom

Bidi Bidi Bom Bom

Bidi Bidi Bom Bom

Bidi Bidi Bidi

Cada vez

Cada vez que lo veo pasar Ey!

Mi corazon se enloquece

Y me empieza a palpitar

Bidi Bidi Bom Bom

Y se emociona

Ya no razona

No lo puedo controlar

Bidi Bidi Bom Bom

Y se emociona

Ya no razona

Y me empieza a cantar

Me canta asi

Bidi Bidi Bom Bom

Bidi Bidi Bom Bom

Bidi Bidi Bidi Bidi Bidi

Cada vez

Cada vez que lo oigo hablar

Me tiemblan hasta las piernas y el corazón igual

Bidi Bidi Bom Bom

Y se emociona

Ya no razona

No lo puedo controlar

Bidi Bidi Bom Bom

Y se emociona

Ya no razona

Y me empieza a cantar

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