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My take on how Lhong comes to know about Tharntype being lovers.
Pls enjoy.

The drummer was sitting in the cafeteria oblivious to the surrounding, focused on writing the song for the upcoming concert
It was a big deal. It was first time that his band was performing for such a huge crowd

It was a week ago that Tharn's band had cleared the auditions and got this once in a lifetime opportunity to perform for the university annual fest.

Since then Tharn was focused only on the event. The event was scheduled for next month and he had enough time to prepare but being a perfectionist, he wanted to utilise every minute.

So much so that he hardly ate or slept or did any other activity that he claimed to like even more than music.

A loud thud on the table startled Tharn
"Ai asshole Tharn" high pitched voice almost spitting fire rang in Tharn's ears

"What the hell Type!"
Tharn retorted matching the footballer's pitch

However it only angered the footballer standing in front of Tharn further.

"You prick. How long are you not going to return to the dorm. I can't stand your stinky laundry anymore. Did you forget that you share your room"

'Oh! How long has it been since I went to my room' Tharn was thinking to himself
As the realisation dawned upon him he recovered from the initial shock but he didn't want to waste time doing laundry.

Tharn saw two stone cold ice piercing at him. He cleared his throat and looked back at his writing pad.
"I will take it home over the weekend" Tharn dismissed Type without even looking at him.

Type was more than annoyed now. How dare he refuse me!

"No" Type sternly said to the musician making him look back at him.

It was an open secret that the roommates will always curse and fight over trivial issues so no one gave them a second glance but Type didn't want to create a ruckus anymore.

"If you don't clear up your laundry by tomorr.. No ! By tonight I am going to tear your branded and expensive clothing and throw them in the garbage. " Type said with a stoic face and smirked.

" you have until tonight. Hurry and get back else... " Type left after the final threat

Tharn was visibly shaken by his threat. Not that he cared too much for his clothes but because Type, who was inherently lazy, had put in so much efforts to bring himself physically to Tharn's faculty, find him and threaten him about 'clothes?!!'
The last part didn't make any sense to Tharn.

"Hey Tharn what was that about?" Lhong - Tharn's best friend and band mate asked still looking at Type's receding figure.

Tharn let go the breathe that he didn't even he was holding for a long time and shook his head.
" Nothing. He's just being a prick.
Did you see my draft yet?"
Tharn changed the subject before interrogation. He could not answer Lhong's questions on why he shares his room with Type without telling him that they are actually lovers.

He always evaded Lhong's questions and he planned to do so until Type was comfortable revealing it to others.
However he hated lying to his one and only best friend

It was already getting dark and Tharn remembered his alpha wife's threatening. He could not stay another night with Lhong working on his music. He had to go back to dorm tonight.

"Hey Lhong, I wil just sort some things at dorm tonight. Can you handle it without me tonight?"

" of course Bestie. Handsome man is at your service" Tharn smiled with gratitude and left for his dorm.

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