Be mine!

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AN : hello readers! Hope you love to read this one shot! Happy reading 😊

Mew grabs Gulf by his wrist walks angrily without sparing him a glance. Gulf is shocked by this behaviour. The frown on his face suggests that he is furious being treated like this but in reality he's scared to death. What has got into Mew. He has never seen Mew like this before. Mew is the most gentle and kind soul.

On the other hand Mew was red with anger. He could never hurt Gulf even in his dreams but his anger has clouded his judgement.

Others only watched Mew take away Gulf from afar and no one dared come close to the storm.

Mew took Gulf to meeting room and closed the door shut behind him. There was pin drop silence outside the door with everyone trying to anticipate what's going to happen next. The door however was soundproof. It was a waste of time to even try listening through it and so everyone went back to their work after a minute of staring at the door

The scene was no different inside. It was the same pin drop silence. A different kind though. The two men glaring at each other. It was more like the silence before the storm.

Gulf rubbed his wrist which was bruised by Mew while giving death glares to Mew.

"Don't you dare look at me like that!" Mew gritted his teeth

Gulf was annoyed and confused. What is with Mew today.

" why do you test my patience? What do you want from me?" Mew growled even before Gulf opened his mouth to say something.

"I should be asking you that." Gulf raised his voice not understanding what is going on.

Mew pulled his hair shutting his eyes tightly close. He turned away from Gulf and tried to breathe in and out to calm himself down.

Gulf chuckled. He found Mew very amusing and wanted to laugh out loud. Somehow he managed to suppress his laughter and turned away too.

The two guys were standing back to back for a while now. One trying to calm his nerves from the boiling anger and the other trying to control his laughter so that he does not annoy the other person further.

"Gulf....." Mew calls out in a much calmer voice turning around.
And that does it for Gulf. He fell on his knees, laughing hard; his laughter resonating in the room. He laughed uncontrollably clutching his stomach which started hurting. He slowly turned towards Mew still laughing.

"Are you crazy?" Mew asked, now confused by Gulf's reaction.

"You looked so funny.."Gulf imitated Mew by pulling his hair and huffing and puffing in anger and then laughed again, harder.

For the time being, Mew forgot that both of them were sulking at each other. He was lost in Gulf's laughter. He was smiling at Gulf with adoration when he saw his bruised wrist.

"I hurt you. I am sorry " Mew said sitting next to Gulf on the floor and caressed his bruised wrist.

Gulf's laughter reduced into a smile
"It's alright. Doesn't hurt that much"
He eyed Mew blowing on his wrist while gently rubbing over it.
"What happened to you?" Gulf asked

Mew looked at Gulf with a pout," Don't you dare ask me that! You already know! You are ignoring me since 4 days. I could not take it anymore" Mew whined like a kid who was denied his favourite toy.

Gulf was having a battle between his heart and his mind. His heart said may be he liked Mew more than a friend and his mind said he is straight. That's impossible. He could not understand why he reciprocated Mew's kiss. Yes, he had drinks but he was not drunk. Neither was Mew. Both were fully conscious. Mew already has a girlfriend and he also finds other gender attractive. Then why is he not able to look at Mew the same as before. Why he can't look at him as a friend anymore. That is the reason he has been avoiding his best friend for last 4 days.

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