My strawberry

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AN: Thank you for reading my stories and encouraging me with your votes
Happy reading😊

"Mewwwww.. Mew they are fighting again.. huh huh behin.. huh.. cafeteria"
Mild managed to say still trying to catch his breath. Bent down holding his knees he was about to collapse from all the running that he did.

However, the person he was talking to didn't even bother to throw him a glance and almost immediately took to his heels.
He ran through the university building dashing and colliding with everything in his way yet never slowed down.

When Mew reached the cafeteria, he could see a group of guys fighting like cats and dogs through the cafeteria window

"Gulf!", he screamed his lungs out from the window. Then again, the person he was calling out was in a different world.

He was deaf to his surroundings. It seemed like currently, the sole purpose of his life was to beat the shit out of the person in front him.

Gulf was tall but skinny. He was an avid football player which helped him keep fit but he was a lousy fighter. He was trying his best to punch his opponent, Tar.

Tar, even though physically shorter than Gulf, had immense strength and was skilled boxer. Gulf failed to land a single punch on him.

Mew pulled Gulf back by his hand and placed himself between the two fighters facing Gulf. He held agitated Gulf by his shoulders in order to stop him.

"Stop!" Mew pleaded looking into his eyes but apparently Gulf was not only deaf but blind in anger. He was not ready to calm down yet and tried to push Mew away cursing the shorter guy.

Mew knew it was futile talking to Gulf in this state. It was much easier to talk to the other guy. So he turned around,still managing to hold Gulf behind him.

"Leave." He said sternly

"But P'Mew he wa"

"I said leave!" Mew raised his voice before the shorter guy could complete his statement.

Tar looked at Mew with pleading eyes asking him to just hear him out.
But Mew wanted to stop this ruckus before things went out of control. It was getting more difficult to control the stubborn kid behind him.

"NOW!" Mew roared
Everybody flinched. Gulf immediately stopped struggling.

"Everyone leave now!" Mew commanded

Tar gave a disappointed look to Mew and left without another glance.

Mew was usually a calm person but when he got angry hell was let loose.
People feared him as much as they respected him. No one dared to mess up with Mew. And if anybody did they couldn't get away with it.
The only person who could get away,  was Gulf.

Gulf was Mew's roommate. Mew had taken an instant liking towards Gulf. Gulf was adorable and cute. He was innocent nonetheless naughty and stubborn. Anybody who met him would do anything for him. Gulf however, was only fond of his P'Mew.

Everyone in the university knew that to mess with Gulf was to mess with Mew.
Gulf would always get his way because of this. Mew spoiled him in every way possible. Gulf was not just babied by Mew but almost everyone who met him.

Mew let out a deep breath to compose himself as the other boys started dispersing. Mew could not risk loosing temper with Gulf.
Mew turned around slowly contemplating his next words when a solid punch landed on his cheeks.

Mew winced in pain but he was quick enough to control his reflexes and did not return the punch to Gulf.

"Gulf!", he called out. Gulf ignored Mew and was already on his way to the infirmary to treat his bruises. Mew quickly followed behind him.
"Gulf listen to me .. I am talking to you .. Gulf ! What's the matter? "

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