Chapter 9

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Y/n pov

We walked out of the bathroom with me still holding onto Wendy. I didn't want to let go in fear that Hanbin would take me away. We all walked downstairs and I could see that everything was a mess, there was blood and broken glass everywhere. I could see there were people still here but they didn't seem to pay us any attention as we headed downstairs. We finally made it downstairs to see even more people but one guy really stood out to me, even though he was wearing a suit like everyone else I could tell that he was a man of power with the way that he stood with such confidence.

"Jungkook it's nice that your here" Irene said to the man. I'm guessing she knows this man since she knows his name. The man looked over at us and I couldn't help but hide behind Wendy since the man looked right at me.

"I got here as fast as i could once i got your text" He said. I decided to peek around to see the man better, I noticed that he's tall compared to the other men in the room. I could see he had tattoos on his hands, he looks like he works out a lot. I could feel someone's eyes on me so when I looked up at the man I could see him looking at me. I don't know why but I wasn't afraid of him, he didn't look like he was going to hurt me.

"Thank you" Irene told him.

"Your welcome" He said.

Irene didn't say anything after that. I could tell she wanted to but she didn't.

"Pack your things, You're all coming back with me" The man said.

"Why?" Yeir asked him.

"Because it's not safe here, Hanbin will come back and as long as you all are with me he won't take Y/n or harm any of you" He said. I couldn't help but let out a small whimper when he mentioned that Hanbin would come back. I don't want to be taken away and locked away and treated like some animal again.

"Come on Y/n let's go pack okay?" Joy told me. I took her hand and we walked upstairs to pack the things that we would need.

Jungkook's pov

I watched as Y/n walked back upstairs to go pack her things, I knew that as long as she was with me that Hanbin wouldn't stand a chance of getting to her. I sent Jimin upstairs to keep an eye on her. I want her to be safe and protected at all costs even if that means having one of my men watch her almost all the time.

Y/n's pov

I went into my room with Joy so I could pack some of my stuff. I sat on the bed as Joy went and grabbed my suitcase from the closet and started to put some of my clothes in it. I went and grabbed a few things from my bathroom to pack so I could take with me as well as a few of my stuffed animals and my favorite blanket. Once everything was packed in my suitcase we made our way to Joy's room so she could also pack her stuff. I went and sat on the bed to wait for Joy to finish when I noticed a guy standing in the hall outside of Joy's room.

"Okay I think that's everything that we will need for now," Joy said, making her way out of the bathroom. Joy took our suitcase over to the door and the guy took our suitcases. We made our way downstairs to meet up with the other girls.

"Did you girls get everything you need?" Irene asked.

"Yeah I think so," Joy said.

"Alright then let's go" Irene said. We followed her outside and went inside a black suv. It was me, Joy and Irene in one car and the other girl's went in another car behind us.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Jungkook's house probably" Irene said and the turned to look out the window. I held onto Joy's hand afraid for what was to come. Before we left the man jumped into the passenger seat and ordered the man in the driver's seat to drive. I looked out the window to see all the houses pass by. It felt like someone was staring at me so I turned to see the man looking at me through the rearview mirror. I quickly looked away and out the window again I could hear the man laugh a little which made me smile.

"Y/n are you okay?" Joy asked me.

"Yeah" I said to her

"Are you sure?" She asked me again

"My head hurts a little but i'm fine" I told her

She didn't say anything after that and I just went back to looking out the window watching as all the houses and buildings went by and soon we pulled off onto a road that went through a forest. I couldn't help but admire the beauty of it as it all went by and soon we made it to a mansion in the middle of the large forest. I guess this is where the man lives. Soon the car came to a stop and the man got out and opened the door for me and the others to get out. We waited for the other girls to come before we all went inside and I couldn't help but notice the man was looking at me again. I moved closer to Joy because I was a little bit scared. Soon we all walked to the front and went inside. Well this should be interesting. 

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