Chapter 5

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Y/n's p.o.v

We finally made it home and I went straight to the kitchen to get something to eat since I was hungry again. I got to the fridge and pulled out the leftover pizza that was in there. I looked at the time and saw it was a little bit past lunch time. I only ate one slice because we're supposed to be meeting up with Irene at a restaurant not too far from here for her lunch break.

"Hey are you ready, we got to go?" Said Wendy.

"Yeah i'm ready lets go" I said

I got up and cleaned up. We made our way to the others and we exited the house, i noticed that there was a black car with tinted windows sitting at the end of the street facing our house. I just brushed it off and thought it was just someone visiting the neighbors.

Jimin p.o.v

Jungkook had come back to his office and told me that he had found the girl and he requested that i follow her every move so that's what i'm doing. When they all left the house I followed them to a restaurant down the street, I parked my car and followed them inside. I sat down at a table in the back so they wouldn't see me. The five of them were just sitting and talking until another girl came over. I didn't get to see who it was until the person had sat down.

"Irene...." I whispered it to myself.

I decided to call Jungkook.

On the phone

Jk: Hello?

J: You won't believe what am seeing right now

Jk: What, what is it if someone has hurt Y/n i will kill them

J: No it's not that she's fine

Jk: Oh okay then what is it?

J: Irene is here with Y/n i think they might be friends or something

Jk: I'll talk to her When she gets back after her break

J: Okay I'll call you if anything else happens

Jk: Okay bye

J: Bye

I hung up the phone and continued to watch them for at least another 30 minutes before they all got up to leave. I got up to leave as well and headed back to my car. Once they all said their goodbyes I followed the five girls back to their house and parked my car where it was earlier.

Jungkook p.o.v

After I got off the phone I called the gun department to send Irene to my office. When she comes back from her break I need answers from her. I just sat at my desk and did more paperwork after about 45 minutes and heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said.

I looked up to see Irene had entered my office. I just simply told her to sit in the chair in front of my desk.

"You needed to see me Mr. Jeon" She said

"Please call me Jungkook" I told her

"Ummm ok" She said

"So i wanted to ask you do you know who this girl is" I asked her

I showed her a picture of Y/n. I could tell she was getting nervous.

"No I don't why?" She said

"Well i do and i know that here name is Y/F/N and that Jimin saw you with her today" I told her

Irene's p.o.v

Shit he knows what i do it's not like i can lie to him he knows when people are lying. I'm sorry Y/n i didn't do my best to protect you please forgive me.

Jungkook's p.o.v

"Do you care to explain to Irene?" I asked her

"Or do i have to kill one of your little friends" i told her

"Okay fine I'll tell you" She told me

Good now we're getting somewhere.

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